Claus Kropp MA cand. PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
clauskropp [at]
Crafts & Skills

Scientific manager of the Lauresham Open Air Laboratory for Experimental Archaeology

Research interests:
- Early Medieval settlement archaeology
- Draft cattle
- (re)constructing Early Medieval agriculture
- animal husbandry (incl. transhumance)
- manorialism
Ongoing Experimental Archaeological projects:
- PhD thesis "The usage of draft-cattle in the Early Middle Ages" (Besides Experimental Archaeology, the thesis includes researching written sources as well as archaeological and archaeozoological data).
- Early Medieval Pithouse project (function, space-usage, construction
details and interpretation)
- Ridge and furrow long term experiment

Please describe one of your successes you would advise other members:
The broader and more interdisciplinary you work the better the results. For instance would our experiments on Early Medieval Agriculture never work out the way they do if we did not include Experimental Archaeology as well as Historical records, field experiments, ethnoarchaeology and soil analysis at the same time.