Archeoskanzen Brezno (CZ)

Member of EXARC
Member of ICOM

After decades of excavations, under coordination of PhDr. Ivana Pleinerová, CS from the Archaeological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Prague first on site experiments took place in 1981. Dwellings were constructed modelled after examples from the Neolithic, the Early Middle Ages, and the Slavonic period.

Open from

There was also a pottery kiln and storage pit. The Prague Institute of Archaeology used this area as a training school for experimental archaeology

When the experimentation ended in 1992, the site was opened to the public and became a branch museum of the Regional Museum in Louny (Oblastni Muzeum Louny). Nowadays, practical demonstrations, often by staff in period costume are witnessed by the visitors. The site is a good opportunity for additional education in history and therefore it is aimed especially at school youth.

50.36081, 13.697364