Barberville Pioneer Settlement (US)

Member of EXARC
Member of ICOM

In 1976 a group of teachers founded the Pioneer Settlement for the Creative Arts, Inc., as a not for profit organization. At first the property known as the Central School of Barberville (c. 1919), was leased, however in 2001 the School Board bestowed ownership of the property to the Board of Directors of the Settlement.

Open from

The group began moving local and regional historically significant buildings onto the property, and a historical "village" setting emerge, dating to between 1875 and 1910. These include a pottery shed, a country store and a Methodist church. Through the years, additional workshops were built to exhibit various historical trades and life ways of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s like a Print Shop, Wheelwright Shop/Carriage House, Woodwright Shop, Blacksmith Shop, and the native American Timucuan-Myacca and Seminole Villages.

At the Barberville Pioneer Settlement a dedicated program of preserving artifacts, buildings and local history is ongoing. The annual special events are also a tradition for both locals and tourists alike. The Fall Country Jamboree was established in 1976, attracting visitors from all walks of life and all over the world. 

The Barberville Pioneer Settlement has been preserving the pioneer spirit for nearly forty years, living up to the Settlement’s founder’s aspiration, “to encourage the common man to express and experience his artistic urges and to fulfil the needs of thousands who might not otherwise be involved in the arts, and to admire the arts of their past. The warm nature of folk artists, the friendly atmosphere of the Settlement site and staff, and the non-intimidating programs should encourage youth, the elderly, minorities and the handicapped to become involved in the Settlement's many cultural heritage activities.”

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29.183333, -81.423056