Botanicus (CZ)

Member of EXARC
Member of ICOM

Botanicus is a large centre with a botanical garden, a large shop with herbs et cetera and a park. An important part is the medieval town, which is more than just a house or two! It has about 8 larger dwellings and numerous smaller sheds et cetera.

Open from

There is a blacksmith, a theatre, a prison, a printer, distillation workshop. Many more crafts are being demonstrated like rope making, the pottery who will make a mug for the visitor, you can try to spin or make a candle. Hydraulic hammers are brought in motion to make paper out of pulp. It is the 15th century here. Of course there is a banquet hall or pub with drink, food and music. If you arrive in medieval dress at the entrance of Botanicus, you get a discount. At special occasions, there is theatre, falconers and special crafts you don’t see every day like stone working and more difficult spinning and wicker work.

50.177057, 14.894466