Jernaldergarden (NO)

Member of EXARC
Member of ICOM

In the 1960s, in the then outskirts of Stavanger, large excavations revealed a settlement of the 4th – 6th century, in Norway called Iron Age or better said “Migration Period”. Soon after, it was decided to build here a farm complex the way it could have been like back then.

Open from
The houses are also furnished accordingly. The farmstead is located on the top of Ullandhaug, around 3 km from the centre of Stavanger, and has a magnificent view of North-Jæren and the Hafrsfjord.

The lady of the house welcomes her visitors just like if it was still the Iron Age and gives them a tour. Her staff is also in keeping of tradition and in period costume. Originally, there might have been 10-12 people living at Ullandhaug. They had approximately the same average height as we do, which suggests they had a balanced diet. Child mortality and average life span seem to have been approximately the same as 150 years ago. Few people passed the age of 60.

At occasions visits are organised under guidance of an archaeologist or archaeobothanist of the Museum of Archaeology in Stavanger, of which the “Iron Age Farmstead foundation” (Jernaldergarden) is part.

58.9457, 5.7054