Keltische Höhenburg Altburg (DE)

Member of EXARC
Member of ICOM

In the early 1970s, the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier excavated at the “Altburg” near Bundenbach. This was the site of a Iron Age defended settlement between 170 BC and 50 BC in the West Celtic area.

Open from

In the mid 1980s, a part of this settlement, including its manmade fortifications, was reconstructed and opened for the public in 1988. The museum is meant to convey tourists a picture of the circumstances of living in a time over 2000 years ago. Therefore they can inform themselves about weapons, tools or manufactures of that time. A little museum in a cellar, which contains valuable findings, gives a view inside of Celtic life. Information-panels are demonstrating the art of construction of the different houses. Yearly in August, a folk festival takes place with Irish and Scottish music, demonstrations in costume of ancient skills, and a market.


49.848661, 7.392237