Parque Arqueológico de Arte Rupestre de Campo Lameiro (ES)

Member of EXARC
Member of ICOM

The archaeological park is situated east of the village of Campo Lameiro, in Galicia in the west of Spain. The park is part of the project “four parks for four provinces” launched by Rede Galega do Patrimonio Arqueolóxico and was the first to be realized with funding from regional and ministerial organs.

Open from

The considerable extension of the park (over 20 hectares) enables the visitor to meet the past in three different ways. In the open air the petroglyphs (more than 100) dating back from the Bronze Age can be experienced among the woods. A permanent exhibition is on display at the center for interpretation and documentation and helps the visitor to contextualize the petroglyphs. Finally, a reconstructed Bronze Age village in which different hands-on activities are carried out involves directly the visitor in the ancient world. Among those: target archery, pottery in the Bronze Age, learn how to start a fire without matches, be an archaeologist for one day and so on.
The project originally included facilities like laboratories for scholars and scientist for further research. Collaborations with university and an international network on similar archaeological sites across Europe should also provide a stimulating base for research.



42.541792, -8.529324