Römerpark Köngen (DE)

Member of EXARC
Member of ICOM

The village Köngen is situated at an old route, already used in the Iron Age and leading from Speyer to Augsburg. More clear than any other, Romans have left their mark at Köngen, with a small military camp (a castellum) known by the name Grinario.

Open from

Oberamtmann Johann Eberhard Roser discovered some traces in 1782 and started excavations here one year later. At present it is the site of an archaeological park and museum. The earliest reconstructions were those of a Roman corner tower, the originals of which were discovered in 1855 by general von Kallee. Main initiators of the reconstruction were the chairman of the Association Schwäbische Alb and the local school director. The tower was ready in 1911 and the "Köngener Römerkastell" with its great viewpoint and small indoor museum soon became a popular excursion.

In World War II and the period short after, the tower was damaged and it was not open to public until 1949. In the 1970s, the tower was fully renovated and a small museum was built next to it.

A lot of modern construction activities were taking place in the 1960s in the area of the old Roman fortress. After years of protest, in 1973 the area changed status form construction area to park but was not protected yet. In the early 1980s one got the chance to get funding for buying the archaeological site. Finally there was the option of protecting the area and making it open to the public and in good cooperation between the municipality, the Association Schwäbischer Alb and the Landesdenkmalamt the Roman Park turned into a reality and opened its doors in June 1988. Since this moment, the reconstructed corner tower of 1911 and its small exhibition are part of the Park. Check the website for the activities and their biannual Roman Days.

Picture by Thomas Münzl


48.6774, 9.3627