Ulvsborg Historisk Værksted (DK)

Member of EXARC
Member of ICOM

Ulvsborg Historisk Værksted (historic workshop) is an initiative of an association. After picking up a lot of experience at places like Düppel (DE), Ukranenland (DE), Gross Raden (DE), Lejre (DK) and Trelleborg (DK), at the end of the 1990s, the idea was taken up to construct a fortified farm like important farmers would have had in the period 1050-1250 AD, which in Denmark is referred to as Late Viking Age or Early Middle Ages.

Open from

The many volunteers involved are essential for this archaeological open air museum and educative centre. Many of them help building or present live interpretation.

This period in Danish history is known for its many wars and crusades, both far from home as nearby in Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The fortified farm in itself is fictional, but each building is based on an excavated example from what in the 13th century was Danish territory (including Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Samland, Estonia and parts of Latvia and Lithuania, Skåne, Halland and Blekinge). References are also taken from teh areas, which by that time influenced Denmark: Germany, Flanders, England and France as well as Eastern Europe and the Byzantine Empire. In some cases, historical sources are used as well as inspiration.

Ulvsborg mediates especially the ‘country life’ in its live interpretation as well as role play. The area is 24 hectares large and contains a fortified farm, a little church and other buildings, gardens, meadows and the countryside you expect in the Middle Ages. Visitors are also welcome to stay several days (and nights..). You can even build your own little cottage (as long as it fits the 12th century) and spend your holidays here! It is within an hour’s drive from the capital.

55.792452, 11.52481