Cyprus Perfumery Theme Park (CY)
Κυπριακό Θεματικό Πάρκο Αρωματοποιίας - The Cyprus Perfumery Theme Park is a very large scale project that aims to create a space, in which, aside from showcasing the various ancient methods of producing perfume the visitor will be able to experience them first-hand as well. The idea for the park came with the discovery of the most ancient perfume in Pyrgos by the Italian archaeologist Maria Rosaria Belgiorno and the park is based, in big part, on this.
It is divided into four main sub-projects, the first one being a faithful reconstruction of the ancient site of Pyrgos as it was found by the archaeologists. The second is another reconstruction, this time of the ancient perfumery lab as it is believed to have looked and operated by the archaeologists. The third offers the visitor a glimpse into the past as well as the present by showcasing the various ways in which perfume has been produced throughout the ages.