
Förderverein Steinzeitdorf Ehrenstein e. V. (DE)

Funded in 2014, the association co-operates with the city of Blaustein in the development of an archaeological park on the UNESCO World Heritage site in Ehrenstein near Ulm, Germany. Ehrenstein is one of the 111 sites of prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps that were recognised as World Heritage by the UNESCO in 2011. It is unique in that it is the only site in a river valley, it is the only site north of the Danube, and the only site where special limestone discs were discovered. The Neolithic village existed for about 80-100 years in the 4th millennium B.C and is seen as representing the Schussenrieder culture.

Funded in 2014, the association co-operates with the city of Blaustein in the development of an archaeological park on the UNESCO World Heritage site in Ehrenstein near Ulm, Germany. Ehrenstein is one of the 111 sites of prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps that were recognised as World Heritage by the UNESCO in 2011...

REARC 2019

Organised by

This year the REARC meetings are scheduled for October 25th and 26th in historic Fredericksburg, Virginia. We are excited to announce that the Department of Historic Preservation at the University of Mary Washington will host Friday presentations.

Event Review: Yeoncheon Palaeolithic Festival: from Hand Axe to Street Dance

Eva IJsveld and
Dorothee Olthof (NL)
In 1978 a US Army soldier stationed in the North of South Korea discovered several hand axes near Jeongok in the Yeoncheon Province. This was the start of many years of archaeological investigations and eventually the building of the very futuristic Jeongok Prehistory Museum and the organisation of the annual Yeoncheon Paleolithic Festival...

Using the Whole Animal Course


Have you ever wondered what happens to the parts of an animal which don’t make it onto your shop shelves? This course is a chance to learn some options for using those parts! The course aims to introduce you to what parts are useful for what products and how to preserve those parts until they can be used. Multiple levels of technologies from stone to steel will be covered!