

Organised by
UMR 7194 - HNHP
UMR 7091 ArScAn, équipe ANTET

Dear colleagues,

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the deadline for submission of abstracts (communications, posters or public demonstrations) was extended to 26 June 2020. We are aware of the current difficulties of many researchers. This report aims to enable as many people as possible to participate in this important scientific meeting to experimental archaeology.

Drevniy Mir - Ancient World (RU)

Member of EXARC

In 2003, the Samara Regional Branch of the All-Russian Society for the Preservation of Monuments of History and Culture launched a project to establish the Center for Historical Simulation (CIM) "Ancient World" (“Древний Мир”), a brand new interactive model of the exposure of the archaeological heritage of the object for cognitive (educational), tourism and historical education of children and adults; it also serves as a scientific and experimental testing ground for professional archaeologists.

In 2003, the Samara Regional Branch of the All-Russian Society for the Preservation of Monuments of History and Culture launched a project to establish the Center for Historical Simulation (CIM) "Ancient World" (“Древний Мир”)...

Flint knapping workshop

United Kingdom

Discover how our ancestors made tools out of stones in the ground with flint knapper and author Bob Turner. Learn to understand flint as a material and how to knap and work it to make ancient tools. Discover the talents and skills of ancient Britons and go home with a flint tool you have made yourself!

The Arrowheads of the Squared-Mouthed-Pottery Culture: Reconstruction and Shooting Experiment

Maddalena Sartori (IT)
11th EAC Trento 2019
***This international experimental project focused on the production of replicas of different models of flat-retouched flint arrowheads (stemmed, with flat base, and ogives -with rounded base-) in use within the Neolithic Squared-Mouthed-Pottery Culture (SMP) of Northern Italy. The aim was to test their efficiency in order to understand if...

Conference: Trial by Fire 2020

United Kingdom

An interdisciplinary conference on the transformative power of fire.

Fire always leaves its mark and a wealth of information behind. Our aim is to bring together research on experimental archaeology, archaeomaterials, archaeobotany, anthracology, pyrotechnology, taphonomic investigations including burned bone, combustion features, or accidental burning. 

The Contribution of Experimental Archaeology in Addressing the Analysis of Residues on Spindle-Whorls

Vanessa Forte (UK),
Francesca Coletti (DE, IT),
Elena Ciccarelli (IT) and
Cristina Lemorini (IT)


Spindle-whorls are tools used for transforming the mass of fibres into yarn. These tools can be made of a large variety of materials as ceramic, bone, wood, or glass. They can vary largely in shapes (conical, biconical, lenticular, etc…), size, and weight according to archaeological contexts and chronological period of human history.

International Camp of Experimental Archaeology

Organised by
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (PL)
Society for Experimental Prehistoric Archaeology (SEPA)

We invite everyone interested in experimental archaeology to participate in a two-week International Camp of Experimental Archaeology, connected with a seminar presenting the state of art of this method in Poland and accompanying use-wear workshops.

Nordic Tablet Weaving Conference

Organised by
Länsmuseet Gävleborg (SE)

The Nordisk Brickvävningskonferens is supposed to be held every other year in the various Nordic countries. The purpose is to meet other tablet weavers, learn more about different  finds, techniques and more. There will be interesting courses with very skilled teachers.