
Conference Review: 8th Experimental Archaeology Conference, Oxford 2014

E. Giovanna Fregni (IT)
EAC Conferences
***The conference unofficially began in the Royal Blenheim pub at 6 pm on Thursday evening. Conference staff and attendees filtered in throughout the evening eventually filling the back room. The pub had excellent food and a good variety of local ales. Those who managed to brave the flooding introduced themselves and got to know...

The Mummification of Votive Birds: Past and Present

S. D. Atherton and
L. M. McKnight (UK)


Animal mummies can be divided into four types: pets, mummified to accompany their owners into the Afterlife; victual, prepared and mummified food offerings for consumption in the Afterlife; cult, an individual selected based upon specific characteristics and markings to be an avatar for their prospective deity; and votive, where the whole population of certain species associated with a particular deity were classed as sacred and therefore worthy of mummification (Ikram and Iskander 2002; Ikram 2005; McKnight 2010).

Strode College (UK)

Member of EXARC

Our college's specialty is lifelong learning. An Experimental Archaeology / Ethnoarchaeology module (level 5) is offered as a part of our Foundation degree in History, Heritage and Archaeology (Plymouth University).

Our college's specialty is lifelong learning. An Experimental Archaeology / Ethnoarchaeology module (level 5) is offered as a part of our Foundation degree in History, Heritage and Archaeology (Plymouth University)...

The Reconstruction of the Danubian Neolithic House and the Scientific Importance of Architectural Studies

Anick Coudart (US)

Un objet de recherche […] à la fois particulièrement fertile et contraignant, en ce qu'il impose de ne jamais - sauf de façon provisoire - disjoindre le matériel du social et du mental. [A topic of research both particularly fertile and constraining because it demands the one never - except provisionally - separates the material from the social and the mental] Isac Chiva 1987 - La maison: le noyau du fruit, l'arbre, l'avenir. Terrain - Habiter la maison, 9: 5-9.

Claudia Speciale PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
claudiaspeciale [at]
Crafts & Skills

I am a Italian prehistoric archaeologist and I approached to Experimental Archaeology since about 2012, developing a hut rebuilding project in Tornambé (Enna, Sicily). I am interested in building reconstructions, daub, traditional use of vegetal materials, theory and experimental protocols.

Museum Burghalde Lenzburg (CH)

Member of EXARC

Museum Burghalde offers open and creative access to 15,000 years of history and culture. We collect and preserve stories, cultural treasures and memories, maintain and combine them, and make them accessible to a broad public in exhibitions, events and workshops.

Museum Burghalde offers open and creative access to 15,000 years of history and culture. We collect and preserve stories, cultural treasures and memories, maintain and combine them, and make them accessible to a broad public in exhibitions, events and workshops...