Roman Era

Romans take over!

the Netherlands

Romans conquer the pre-historic village

At the beginning of our era, the Roman armies marched into our country. First they brought war, but later we discovered that they also brought a lot of fine inventions and exotic products with them.

Midwinter Fair

Organised by
the Netherlands

The winter festival for young and old! We go back to the origin, to the celebration of the Midwinter. The celebration of light, the days are getting longer!

Health Festival

Organised by
the Netherlands

Beautiful on the inside, beautiful on the outside.

Health and beauty are inextricably linked. People have known that for as long as they exist. This weekend Museumpark Archeon shows how people from prehistory to the 21st century deal with the care and well-being of their body.

Soap Making


Course target: we manufacture 3 soaps to take away

Course content: What is soap? How does soap work? What raw materials are used? And how is it handled correctly? Calculation of a soap recipe; Raw materials and their processing; Additives, fragrances, colors, herbs, tools; Script with simple soaps to imitate yourself

ICMAH 2020

Organised by
ICMAH - ICOM Colombia

In the last few years, ICOM and its members have reflected upon the following difficult issues. In 2017 the subject for the international museum day was Contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums, and this year it is going to be Museums for equality: Diversity and Inclusion.

Forging a Lance or Spear Tip, creating Glass Beads or Handmade Paper


Forging a Lance or Spear Tip

Course objective: forging an iron lance or spearhead.

Course content: After an introduction to forging technology and the history of thrust and throwing weapons, each participant forges his own lance or spearhead historical model.