Roman Era

Spyros Bakas MA

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
spyrosbakas [at]
Crafts & Skills

Spyros Bakas is among the first to introduce and promote Living History in Greece in 2002. Since then, he has participated, organised and directed numerous Experimental Archaeology as well as Living History projects in Greece and worldwide.

Cooking in Baskets Using Hot Rocks

Jonathan Thornton (US)
Baskets are among the most ancient of human artefacts. Everyone is familiar with their most common functions as containers for transport and storage. When told that baskets have also served as cooking vessels, most people will be unable to conceive of how this is possible, yet this was a primary function of baskets for many cultures of the past, and some until the present...

Historical Park (BG)

Member of EXARC

In today's Bulgaria there are over 40 000 cultural and historical monuments, amongst which are significant prehistoric findings, Thracian tombs, objects from the Ancient Greek Age, Roman fortresses, monuments from the First and the Second Bulgarian Kingdom as well as other architectural landmarks from the period of the Renaissance.

In today's Bulgaria there are over 40 000 cultural and historical monuments, amongst which are significant prehistoric findings, Thracian tombs, objects from the Ancient Greek Age, Roman fortresses, monuments from the First and the Second Bulgarian Kingdom as well as other architectural landmarks from the period of the Renaissance.

LWL-Römermuseum & Römerbaustelle Aliso (DE)

Member of EXARC

Haltern am See, 2000 years ago: on the banks of the river Lippe one of the most important military complexes of the Romans can be found. It is the control centre of Roman power in Germania right of the river Rhine. From here, the conquest of the entire area is planned and operated.

Here one of the famous legions of historiography is stationed: the 19th Legion, which perished in the Varus Battle in 9 AD. The main camp alone was home to about 5,000 Roman soldiers - in the middle of Germania. The name of the camp: Aliso.

Nazareth Village (IL)

Member of EXARC

Nazareth Village is an archaeological open-air museum that shows farm life in the Galilee like it could have been in the first century AD. The reconstruction chronology is as follows.

Phase I: Archaeology:
Beginning in 1997, Nazareth Village commissioned several archaeological excavations of agricultural installations – a wine press, watchtowers, terraces, and quarries – discovered on a hillside less than 500 meters from the original site of Nazareth. These installations were established as dating from the Early Roman Period, making the site itself an historical treasure, preserving invaluable links with the farming and building traditions of First Century Nazareth.

UCD Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (IE)

Member of EXARC

The Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (CEAMC) at University College Dublin, Ireland, established since 2012, is one of the only specifically designed and dedicated, on-campus university facilities in the world for experimental archaeology and material culture studies. It supports research projects, innovative teaching, and public outreach activities, so as to enable the creation of a better understanding of the nature and role of crafts, technologies and materiality in people’s lives in the past.

The Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (CEAMC) at University College Dublin, Ireland, established since 2012, is one of the only specifically designed and dedicated, on-campus university facilities in the world for experimental archaeology and material culture studies.

Thracian and Ancient Town Kabyle (BG)

Member of EXARC

Archaeological open-air museum “Thracian and Ancient town Kabyle” present one of the most important towns from the Hellenistic and Roman period in Thrace. The first settlement appeared in 2nd mil. BC and gradually become one of the significant towns in Thrace world...

Archaeological open-air museum “Thracian and Ancient town Kabyle” present one of the most important towns from the Hellenistic and Roman period in Thrace. The first settlement appeared in 2nd mil. BC and gradually become one of the significant towns in Thrace world...

Musée Gallo-Romain de Saint-Romain-en-Gal - Vienne (FR)

Member of EXARC

Thirty kilometres to the south of Lyon and on the right bank of the Rhône River, the archaeological site of Saint-Romain-en-Gal – Vienne offers more than three hectares (7.5 acres) of archaeological vestiges of a neighbourhood of the Roman city of Vienne.
During Antiquity, Vienne, as it was known, was the capital of a vast territory covering the Dauphiné and Savoy regions that stretched over each side of the Rhône.

Thirty kilometres to the south of Lyon and on the right bank of the Rhône River, the archaeological site of Saint-Romain-en-Gal – Vienne offers more than three hectares (7.5 acres) of archaeological vestiges of a neighbourhood of the Roman city of Vienne...

Conference Review: European Textile Forum 2015

Heather Hopkins (UK)
The European Textile Forum (Textilforum) was held between the 2nd and 9th November 2015, at the Laboratory for Experimental Archaeology (LEA) in Mayen, Germany. LEA kindly hosted the European Textile Forum as part of their inaugural event in 2012 and since then the Director Michael Herdick has invited the conference to return annually...

Glow of iron

Organised by
Stara Fužina, Bohinj, Slovenia

The International Iron Working Festival – Iron Smelting Days 2016 will occur in Stara Fužina, the village near the Lake Bohinj. The owner of the castle was the Zois family that had the whole iron facilities in Bohinj and other places from the years 1740 – 1869. The program of Iron Working Festival will show practical smelting the bloom to billet or bar, using domestic ore, charcoal and clay.