Roman Era

Roman Festival

Organised by
the Netherlands

Dozens of Roman legionnaires, members of the British-Dutch group Legio Secvnda Avgvsta, come to Archeon and make their camp. They are joined by artisans, women, slaves and children. During the festival many additional demonstrations and activities are programmed.

District Museum Day


The "Zeiteninsel" in Weimar-Argenstein invites you to come and get to know the past with all senses! Visitors of all ages will get to know various different and exciting technologies ranging from the Stone Age till the Germanic people of the first century. There will be hands on activities for children and living history will provide a glimpse into times thousands of years ago.

Weapons & Warriors: Fathers’ Day Special

United Kingdom

Have a fun day out on Fathers’ Day and meet the Romans! Discover ancient weapons and be amazed by the lives of brave warriors. Find out how the Roman army lived and fought in Britain, and if you’d cope with wearing the armour, taking your orders in Latin and eating Roman food. Could you defend yourself from an enemy? Would you have been courageous enough to join the Legion?

Barbara Klessig MA cand. PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
bkk4 [at]

I teach experimental archaeology in the Anthropology department at Humboldt State University, California. The labs and classes provide student insight into past technologies, helping them recognize the tools and evidence in the field.

Aktopraklık Höyük Açıkhava Müzesi ve Arkeoloji Okulu (TR)

Member of EXARC

The Aktopraklık Höyük Open-Air Museum and Archaeology School is run by the Istanbul University Department of Prehistory. The foundation of this cultural heritage management project is the archaeological evidence from the excavation conducted at the prehistoric mound of Aktopraklık.

The Aktopraklık Höyük Open-Air Museum and Archaeology School is run by the Istanbul University Department of Prehistory. The foundation of this cultural heritage management project is the archaeological evidence from the excavation conducted at the prehistoric mound of Aktopraklık...

Römermuseum Schwarzenacker (DE)

Member of EXARC

We write the year 275/276 AD. The flames go out, the smoke is distorted, the excited shouting ebbs. Silence in Schwarzenacker following the invasion by the Alemanic People. Gradually, the extent is visible: the trading city, founded under Emperor Augustus, lies in rubble and ashes.

Some houses and cellar vaults have survived the onslaught. The floor plan of an Italo-Roman city can be seen until today. Although in the years after the destruction Schwarzenacker was re-populated and rebuilt - the former splendour and the sub-regional importance as a commercial and administrative centre was gone.

Center for Experimental Archaeology (HR)

Center for Experimental Archaeology is a non-profit organization with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. It was established for development, improvement and promotion of experimental archaeology and experimental approaches to the study of material and immaterial cultural heritage. The main activity of the organisation is directed towards testing the archaeological and anthropological assumptions derived from scientific research of these disciplines. At the same time it promotes the usage of experiments in archaeology, actively educates in their proper utilisation, supports its members during experimentation and encourages them to publish the obtained results.

Center for Experimental Archaeology is a non-profit organization with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. It was established for development, improvement and promotion of experimental archaeology and experimental approaches to the study of material and immaterial cultural heritage...