Roman Era

Symposium Experimental Music Archaeology

Organised by
The Study Group on Music Archaeology of the ICTM
The International Study Group on Music Archaeology (ISgMA)

Music-archaeological studies often draw to a large extent on experimental activities, which are more and more reflected in the scientific discourse, as the subject evolves. This symposium acknowledges current trends in the experimental reconstruction and making of ancient musical instruments, and in experimental playing.

ISBSA 15 - International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology

Organised by

The purpose of ISBSA is to bring together all those involved in the study of the form, structure, function, and operational performance of ancient boats. The first symposium examined the methodological problems of studying boat remains. Many of the topics addressed at that initial meeting, such as experimental archaeology and ethnography.

Archeoparc Liptovia (SK)

Member of EXARC

Civic organisation Archeopark Liptovia is a voluntary organization associating people with an interest in presentation, protection, research and education in historical, cultural, folklore, national and natural heritage of Slovakia and Liptov region.

Archeopark Liptovia is a unique project of living ancient village consisting of a complex of prehistoric buildings, which is documenting the settlement of Slovakia from the Stone Age to the Great Migration period.

Castrum Corcagiensis - Roman Experimental Archaeology in Ireland

Martin McAree (IE)
Barrack blocks were a central feature in any Roman fort and functioned as the living spaces for a Century and its officers. While Roman forts varied in size from just over an acre for a simple ‘numerius’ fort, to over 55 acers for some large ‘legionary’ forts such as Deva (Chester), the layout of a barrack block...



The Paleofestival held annually from 2005 onwards at La Spezia (Italy) is a very popular event involving combining experimental prehistoric archaeology. Museums, parks and archaeological archeotecnicians, Italians and foreigners could meet and promote their activities to an audience largely composed of children and people interested. The museum of the Castle of St.