Roman Era

Experimental Archaeology Newcastle - EXARN (UK)

EXARN (Experimental Archaeology Newcastle) is a recently established PGR led Experimental Archaeology research group within the Archaeology Department at Newcastle University. EXARN, affiliated with the Cluster for Interdisciplinary Artefact Studies (CIAS), promotes the study of material culture, archaeo-materials and ancient technologies through EA.

Its aim is to bring together researchers employing EA and to encourage, aid and inform those interested in this research method, students and academics alike. EXARN's experimental projects are mainly related to the members' own PG research. EXARN organised the 1st Annual Experimental Archaeology Student Symposium, hosted this year at Newcastle University, intended as a completely student-led, student-focused conference. 

Conference Session: Archaeological Landscapes in the Museum

Organised by
Nordwestdeutscher Verband fuer Altertumsforschung e.V. (DE)
Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein (ALSH), Schleswig (DE)

The 83rd conference of the Northwest German Association for Archaeological Research will take place in Heide, Holstein (DE). One of their sessions is particularly interesting: the meeting of the workgroup „archaeological museums” of the German Museum Association. This conference will be in German. 

IVth Medieval fest "Remember the Glory"

Organised by
Sliven Municipality (BG)

For fourth consecutive year, the centuries old Tuida fortress will be scene of clashes between armies, impressive demonstrations of warrior techniques from the back of the horse, tournaments, crafts, music and dances. The medieval festival “Remember the Glory” is conducted because of the town Sliven fair.

Amphoralis, Musée des Potiers Gallo-Romains (FR)

Member of EXARC

In the heart of the Narbonnaise, a dozen kilometers north of the ancient capital Narbo Martius, a Gallo-Roman potters workshop was unearthed in 1976, near the current village of Sallèles d'Aude.

In the heart of the Narbonnaise, a dozen kilometers north of the ancient capital Narbo Martius, a Gallo-Roman potters workshop was unearthed in 1976, near the current village of Sallèles d'Aude.

TRACamp: A two-day Roman Experimental Archaeology Workshop

Organised by
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (UK)
Roman Vindolanda Fort & Museum (UK)
United Kingdom

It is our pleasure to announce the Call for Papers for TRACamp. This experimental archaeology workshop will be held at the Roman fort of Vindolanda (Northumberland) September 22-23, 2018. The workshop aims to support ongoing studies in Roman experimental archaeology and to promote the inclusion of experimental projects into the wider field of Roman studies.