Roman Era

The Units of the Roman Army


Auxiliaries were stationed in the border fortifications at the Limes, who were Roman professional soldiers, but who differed from other units in their tasks and equipment. For example, there were legionnaires in Mainz, artillery in Hofheim and cavalry in Echzell. Of course it is not possible to present the entire range of the Roman army in one event.

Craft Festival


Historic crafts from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages are brought to life by specialists in the beautiful setting of the Open Air Museum Düppel in Berlin. Be it flint knapping techniques of the early hunter gatherers or traditional methods of tanning hides – there should be something for everyone. Activities for children invite to explore and all questions are welcome!

Book Review: Skanseny Archeologiczne i Archeologia Eksperymentalna by Jan Gancarski

Justyna Duda (PL)
The book Skanseny Archeologiczne i Archeologia Eksperymentalna published by the Podkarpackie Muzeum in 2012 brings up the subject of open-air museums, opportunities and disadvantages of the promotion of cultural tourism and experimental archaeology mainly in Poland but also in Slovakia. Articles presented in this book were prepared for two different conferences organised by this museum...

Historia Mundi

Organised by
Historia Mundi (BE)

This event is unique in its kind. It only happens once a year in Belgium that all historical associations are assembled in the form of a multi-period camp. During this camp we make a journey through World History. This happens in an encampment built in the style and the tradition of the presented period.

Conference: Archaeological Open-Air Museums: Reconstruction and Reenactment – Reality or Fiction?


The Subcarpathian Museum of Krosno and its branch, the Carpathian Troy Archaeological Open-Air Museum at Trzcinica, Poland, are organising an International Conference entitled “Open-Air Archaeological Museums: Reconstruction and Reenactment – Reality or Fiction?” which will be held on 18 and 19 October this year.

Bronze Casting Festival 2018


As part of a week long (semi-) professional seminar on bronze casting multiple bronze casters from various countries will give demonstrations to visitors on Sunday the 20th and Monday the 21st of May. Opening hours on both these days from 13:00h until 17:00h.

We currently expect about 12-14 people to be active on Sunday, a few less on Monday.

An Experimental Diachronic Exploration of Patination Methodology of Dark Patinated (Arsenical) Copper Alloys on Case Studies from the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age and Early Iron Age

Marianne Talma (DE)

Artificially dark patinated copper alloys appear in various times and regions and are commonly applied in prestigious polychrome metallic objects. Currently, the earliest finds known are from ca. 2000 BC in Egypt (See Fig. 1) and Palestine (See Fig. 2), followed by ca. 1500 BC in Greece and Cyprus (See Fig. 3 and 4) and again during the Roman period from ca. the late 4th century BC (See Fig. 5 and 6). 

Adze-plane, Skeparnon, Multipurpose Adze or Two-handled Adze? Practical Work with an Alleged Predecessor of the Woodworking Plane

Rüdiger Schwarz (DE)
10th EAC Leiden 2017
***This article presents a practical approach to a Graeco-Roman woodworking tool called “ascia-Hobel” in the archaeological literature, respectively “adze-plane” as the corresponding English term. The tool in question consists of an often semi-circular adze-blade attached to a two-handled shaft and seems to be suited both for chopping and...