Roman Era

Experimental Lime Burning Based on the Findings from the Roman Empire Period

Richard Thér and
David Maršálek (CZ)

In 2006 the remains of two lime kilns from the Roman Empire period were discovered in Tuněchody near Chrudim in the Czech Republic. These finds became the object of a detailed multidisciplinary research project resulting in hypotheses on the use of the kilns. Based on these hypotheses experimental research was designed (Thér et al. 2010)...

Gene Fornby - the Ancient Village of Gene

Carl L. Thunberg (SE)

I have for years, through articles, debate and political activities, been a very active part in the efforts to preserve Gene Fornby from demolition. The cause seemed long doomed to be lost, but in the end the saving-line won. Therefore the longhouse and the smithy, in my opinion the important reconstructions, will be preserved and restored.

Book Review: Die römische Armee im Experiment by Chr. Koepfer, F. W. Himmler & J. Löffl

Xenia Pauli Jensen (DK)
This book is a result of a long-term project, Legio XIII Gemina, situated at the Universität Augsburg, Germany, with the purpose of establishing experimental archaeology as an integrated part of the education program. Around 20 students took part in a seminar from 2009 to 2011 under the supervision of Professor Dr Gregor Weber and Christian Koepfer MA...


At Augsburg University the Chair of Ancient History has a society of friends called "Verein der Freunde der Alten Geschichte der Universität Augsburg e.V.". The society exists to establish experimental archaeology in an academic environment.

At Augsburg University the Chair of Ancient History has a society of friends called "Verein der Freunde der Alten Geschichte der Universität Augsburg e.V." (Friends of Ancient History at Augsburg University).

Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Zeiteninsel (DE)

Member of EXARC

The "Zeiteninsel" is an Archaeological Open-Air Museum situated in Weimar-Argenstein near Marburg. The museum is under construction since 2010, although erecting of buildings started in 2017.

The "Zeiteninsel" is an Archaeological Open-Air Museum situated in Weimar-Argenstein near Marburg. The museum is under construction since 2010, although erecting of buildings started in 2017.