Roman Era

Christopher Busuttil MA

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address [at]
Crafts & Skills

Full-time archaeologist working in Malta with a masters degree in experimental archaeology that mainly focused on metallurgy, ceramics and theory. I frequently find myself reading about and trying out different traditional techniques.

Reproducing the Wall Painting of the Abduction of Persephone (Vergina-Macedonia): Conditions and Restrictions for a Successful Archaeological Experiment

Μ.Ι. Stefanakis and
Α. Vlavogilakis (GR)
Research on the technique of fresco painting in Macedonian tombs of the late classical period, is currently in progress through the experimental reproduction of the mural the Tomb of Persephone in the Grand Tumulus of Vergina. The purpose of the research is to identify the techniques used by ancient craftspeople, their tools, materials and ...

Elpidia Giovanna Fregni PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
gfregni [at]

I am an independent researcher with a specialisation in non-ferrous metals with a practical background in jewellery making and metalsmithing. My research ranges from smelting ores and exploring early technology, to replicating metalworking techniques from the Bronze Age through Medieval Period.

Strode College (UK)

Member of EXARC

Our college's specialty is lifelong learning. An Experimental Archaeology / Ethnoarchaeology module (level 5) is offered as a part of our Foundation degree in History, Heritage and Archaeology (Plymouth University).

Our college's specialty is lifelong learning. An Experimental Archaeology / Ethnoarchaeology module (level 5) is offered as a part of our Foundation degree in History, Heritage and Archaeology (Plymouth University)...

Conference Review: Live Interpretation, 2013 EXARC’s Meeting in Hungary

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
In early September 2013, EXARC, in collaboration with Csiki Pihenökert, hosted a meeting in Hungary with the theme Live Interpretation in Open-air Venues. This continued the discussions held one year earlier in Foteviken, Sweden which focused on museum theatre and other forms of live interpretation...

Ian Dennis

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
dennisit [at]
United Kingdom
Crafts & Skills

Started experimental work in 2006, researching the antler combs from the Norse site on Bornais, South Uist, Scotland.

Cohors I Germanorum (DE)

It is hard to describe the strengths of Cohors I. Germanorum (pronounced Cohors Prima Germanorum) without lapsing into phrases. Of course we also want to:"Bring history to life", "Get artefacts out of the cabinet and bring them to life", "Bring Living history into the present". But that is what all other groups of performers want!

It is hard to describe the strengths of Cohors I. Germanorum (pronounced Cohors Prima Germanorum) without lapsing into phrases. Of course we also want to:"Bring history to life", "Get artefacts out of the cabinet and bring them to life", "Bring Living history into the present". But that is what all other groups of performers want!

Museum Burghalde Lenzburg (CH)

Member of EXARC

Museum Burghalde offers open and creative access to 15,000 years of history and culture. We collect and preserve stories, cultural treasures and memories, maintain and combine them, and make them accessible to a broad public in exhibitions, events and workshops.

Museum Burghalde offers open and creative access to 15,000 years of history and culture. We collect and preserve stories, cultural treasures and memories, maintain and combine them, and make them accessible to a broad public in exhibitions, events and workshops...

Conference Review: Reaching Visitors Through Dialogue, Play and Experimental Archaeology. OpenArch Congress Archeon

Yvonne van Amerongen (NL)
This three-day conference (23-25 April 2013) was part of the OpenArch project, a project that spans five years and aims to raise the standard of scientific research and public presentation in the open-air museums throughout Europe, with a focus on the interaction with the visitor...