Roman Era

Butser Ancient Farm (UK)

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Butser Ancient Farm is situated in the South East of England, approximately 50 miles to the south of London. The concept of replicating an ancient farm began life in 1970 as a research project developed by the Council for British Archaeology and the Research Committee on Ancient Agriculture from the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Butser Ancient Farm is situated in the South East of England, approximately 50 miles to the south of London. The concept of replicating an ancient farm began life in 1970 as a research project developed by the Council for British Archaeology and the Research Committee on Ancient Agriculture from the British Association for the Advancement of Science...

Archeon (NL)

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After 15 years of preparation, 1994 the first Dutch archaeological theme park opened in Alphen aan den Rijn, not far from The Hague, Utrecht and Amsterdam, an area which houses 6 million inhabitants. Archeon covers 10,000 years of human development in the Netherlands. From hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age and farmers in the Bronze and Iron Ages, through the Roman period and right up to everyday life in 1340 AD, “Archaeo-interpreters” show what life was like in “their time” in the 43 reconstructed buildings

Founded in 1994, Archeon covers 10,000 years of human development in the Netherlands. From hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age and farmers in the Bronze and Iron Ages, through the Roman period and right up to everyday life in 1340 AD, “Archaeo-interpreters” show what life was...

Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (DE)

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Southeast of Bielefeld near the Teutoburger Forrest, one finds the Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (AFM), originally founded by the “Reichsverband für Deutsche Vorgeschichte” as a political presentation of the Germanic people. The combination of man, nature and technique is made tangible and understandable here.

Southeast of Bielefeld near the Teutoburger Forrest, one finds the Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (AFM), originally founded by the “Reichsverband für Deutsche Vorgeschichte” as a political presentation of...

Archäologischer Park Magdalensberg (AT)

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One of the most important cultural landscapes of Carinthia (Kärnten) is the Zollfeld. At the east side you will find the 1058 metres tall Magdalensberg. As early as 1502, a life size bronze statue was discovered here, marking the start of interest in the past of this mountain.

One of the most important cultural landscapes of Carinthia (Kärnten) is the Zollfeld. At the east side you will find the 1058 metres tall Magdalensberg. As early as 1502, a life size bronze statue was discovered here, marking the start of interest in the past of this mountain...

Nehalennia Temple (NL)

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Early 1970, the Dutch fisherman Mr. Bout raised a few pieces of sandstone from the sea bed. These showed Roman inscriptions: “to the Goddess Nehalennia, Marcus Agricola, citizen of Trier, salt merchant in Cologne has fulfilled his promise, with pleasure and with reason.” Later that year it became clear, there is talk of an area 400 x 400 metres at 25 metres depth with a Roman temple and more.

Early 1970, the Dutch fisherman Mr. Bout raised a few pieces of sandstone from the sea bed. These showed Roman inscriptions: “to the Goddess Nehalennia, Marcus Agricola, citizen of Trier, salt merchant in Cologne has fulfilled his promise, with pleasure and with reason.”...

Natur- & KulturWerkstatt Bajuwarengehöft Mattsee (SL) (AT)

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In 488 AD, the command came from Rome for all Romans to withdraw to Italy: the end of the West Roman Empire. From different areas groups of people started occupying territory in the Salzburger Land. They formed the people called Bavarii (Bajuwaren) with their own dukes, the Agolfinger with Regensburg as residence and their own laws which played an important role until the 14th century. The Bavarii held a part as large as Old Bavaria, a large part of Austria and South Tirol. They were dependent of the Franks since 595.

In 488 AD, the command came from Rome for all Romans to withdraw to Italy: the end of the West Roman Empire. From different areas groups of people started occupying territory in the Salzburger Land. They formed the people called Bavarii (Bajuwaren) with their own dukes...

Museum on Water ”Bay of the Bones” (MK)

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An interesting lake dwelling reconstruction museum can be found at Ohrid Lake, one of the oldest and deepest lakes of Europe, at the border between Macedonia and Albania. This area has attracted tourists for centuries. The Museum on Water is still under expansion and should count about 16 dwellings later on.

An interesting lake dwelling reconstruction museum can be found at Ohrid Lake, one of the oldest and deepest lakes of Europe, at the border between Macedonia and Albania. This area has attracted tourists for centuries. The Museum on Water is still under expansion and...

Vindolanda Roman Army Museum (UK)

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Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum bring history alive. Vindolanda is a fascinating Roman fort and civilian settlement lying just to the south of Hadrian's Wall.

Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum bring history alive. Vindolanda is a fascinating Roman fort and civilian settlement lying just to the south of Hadrian's Wall...

Martberg Mons Martis (DE)

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The Martberg – Mart Mountain is looking out over the Moselle river at a height of 180 metres. This used to be a political and religious centre in the past. 100 BC, the mountain housed a stronghold, a so called Oppidum which was upgraded with a temple area in Roman Times.

The Martberg – Mart Mountain is looking out over the Moselle river at a height of 180 metres. This used to be a political and religious centre in the past. 100 BC, the mountain housed a stronghold, a so called Oppidum which was upgraded with a temple area in Roman Times...