Roman Era

Römervilla Möckenlohe (DE)

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The association behind the Roman Villa was founded in 1983 in order to safeguard in cooperation with the Bavarian Landesdamt für Bodendenkmalpflege the excavated walls and artefacts. As a second step, together with the Landesstelle für die Nichtstaatlichen Museen, one reconstructed the central complex of the Villa Rustica on top of the original foundations and exhibited all artefacts on the original spot.

The association behind the Roman Villa was founded in 1983 in order to safeguard in cooperation with the Bavarian Landesdamt für Bodendenkmalpflege the excavated walls and artefacts. As a second step, together with the Landesstelle für die Nichtstaatlichen Museen...

Römerpark Köngen (DE)

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The village Köngen is situated at an old route, already used in the Iron Age and leading from Speyer to Augsburg. More clear than any other, Romans have left their mark at Köngen, with a small military camp (a castellum) known by the name Grinario.

The village Köngen is situated at an old route, already used in the Iron Age and leading from Speyer to Augsburg. More clear than any other, Romans have left their mark at Köngen, with a small military camp (a castellum) known by the name Grinario...

Römisches Freilichtmuseum Hechingen-Stein (DE)

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In the first century AD, a Roman Villa Rustica was constructed at Hechingen-Stein. It remained functioning for 200 years. In 1973, traces of the forgotten villa were discovered by the mayor of Stein, Gerd Schollian in the Teufelbach forrest. The Landesdenkmalamt Thübingen excavated over the years 1987 – 1981 the main buildings and the baths. Since 1992 new excavations took place uncovering among others the temple.

In the first century AD, a Roman Villa Rustica was constructed at Hechingen-Stein. It remained functioning for 200 years. In 1973, traces of the forgotten villa were discovered by the mayor of Stein, Gerd Schollian in the Teufelbach forrest...

Mas des Tourelles (FR)

Member of EXARC

On the Roman Via Domitia (connecting Spain to Italy) there used to be a Roman villa, producing amphorae on a large scale. This villa was excavated in two campaigns (1980-1983 by the CNRS and 2000-2002).

On the Roman Via Domitia (connecting Spain to Italy) there used to be a Roman villa, producing amphorae on a large scale. This villa was excavated in two campaigns (1980-1983 by the CNRS and 2000-2002)...

Opfermoor Vogtei (DE)

Member of EXARC

In 1990, the middle point of Germany was being calculated – it happened to be in the area of three municipalities: Oberdorla, Niederdorla and Langula. This sounded like a good occasion to attract tourists.

In 1990, the middle point of Germany was being calculated – it happened to be in the area of three municipalities: Oberdorla, Niederdorla and Langula. This sounded like a good occasion to attract tourists...

Archéosite de Montans (FR)

Member of EXARC

Created in 1995, the Archéosite de Montans concentrates more than 200 years of archaeological discoveries on its territory. Located in the heart of the millennial vineyard of Gaillac, the museum evokes mainly the formidable destiny of a small Gallic village becoming one of the largest ceramic centers of the Roman Empire.

Created in 1995, the Archéosite de Montans concentrates more than 200 years of archaeological discoveries on its territory. Located in the heart of the millennial vineyard of Gaillac, the museum evokes mainly the formidable destiny of a small Gallic village becoming one of the largest...

Augusta Raurica (CH)

Member of EXARC

In 44 BC, the first Roman colony was founded on the Rhine: Augusta Raurica. It reached the height of its splendour in the 1st and 2nd century AD. Excavations started in 1957, since 1975 by the state. Excavations are still ongoing. It is one of the best documented Roman colonies North of the Alps.

In 44 BC, the first Roman colony was founded on the Rhine: Augusta Raurica. It reached the height of its splendour in the 1st and 2nd century AD. Excavations started in 1957, since 1975 by the state. Excavations are still ongoing. It is one of the best documented Roman colonies North of the Alps...

Segedunum Roman Fort, Baths & Museum (UK)

Member of EXARC

Segedunum, which means “unassailable fortress”, was one of the many forts along Hadrian’s Wall. Segedunum Fort was built shortly after 122 AD and stood strong for 3 centuries; up to 600 soldiers were housed here.

Segedunum, which means “unassailable fortress”, was one of the many forts along Hadrian’s Wall. Segedunum Fort was built shortly after 122 AD and stood strong for 3 centuries; up to 600 soldiers were housed here..

Arbeia Roman Fort & Museum (UK)

Member of EXARC

Arbeia Fort was built by the Romans around 160 AD, at short distance from Hadrians wall performing an important role in patrolling the northern frontier of the ancient Roman province of Britannia. It became the main supplier for the 17 forts along the wall.

Arbeia Fort was built by the Romans around 160 AD, at short distance from Hadrians wall performing an important role in patrolling the northern frontier of the ancient Roman province of Britannia. It became the main supplier for the 17 forts along the wall...

Lunt Roman Fort (UK)

Member of EXARC

After the Iceni of East Anglia led by the legendary Boudica have rebelled against Roman rule and lost in AD 60, the Romans built a series of forts across the Midlands, including the Lunt. This turf & timber fort is now partly reconstructed.

After the Iceni of East Anglia led by the legendary Boudica have rebelled against Roman rule and lost in AD 60, the Romans built a series of forts across the Midlands, including the Lunt. This turf & timber fort is now partly reconstructed...