Roman Era
Elena Paralovo cand. PhD
I am a Phd student of the Charles University, Prague. My current Phd research deals with technological innovations involved in pottery production during the European Iron Age, inquiring both the material aspects of production and the social role of craftspeople.
Documentation Strategies at Butser Ancient Farm
Experimental Archaeology, Fundamental Research and Applicability
Archaeological experimentation is fundamentally a methodological tool used in fundamental research and has now been established, in an increasingly consistent way, in the fields of formal and informal training.
Old Textiles More Possibilities
The CTR conference is moving online - and participation/registration is now FREE! Textiles, tools, sciences, archaeology, history, fashion....You have until the end of this month to send us your abstract at
Stool Graves and Corpses - Burial Customs of our Ancestors
Burials are particularly significant findings for archaeologists. Although it may sound contradictory at first, graves, but also the deceased themselves, provide experts with a great deal of information about life long ago.
Archeology and the Public - Experience the Past?
Within the last two decades, a "scene" has developed across Europe which combines elements from archaeological engineering and historical representation to sophisticated archaeological reconstruction for a hobby or commercial activity.
European Textile Forum - Virtual Meet-up
I have scheduled a Zoom meeting for 6 pm Amsterdam time. You should be able to join directly through this link:
Join Zoom Meeting
or copy and paste the following line:
Roger Martlew
I was a member of the Experimental Firing Group at Leicester University in the 1980s, and helped to explore the use of different fuels for the open firing of ceramics.
Tales of Winter Magic
We are pleased to add an afternoon performance of our Tales of Winter Magic event.