Roman Era

Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)

Member of EXARC

Padua University, at the Dept. of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology, History of Art, of Music and Cinema is one of the few Italian universities to have an official Laboratory of Experimental Archaeology and this last matter as a study course.

It is called L.A.S.eR.T. (Laboratory of Experimental Archaeology and Research on Ancient Technology), and at present is directed by Massimo Vidale and Ivana Angelini. We have wide a semi-open, covered space with three different potter's wheels, a good set of all the necessary tools, a wide collections of waste material from copper melting, glass making, flint knapping material used in our classes to help students to understand which kind of residues they should expect, when dealing with an ancient workshop, and "alphabetize" our students in a basic dimension of materiality.

Crafts Weekend

the Netherlands

The craft weekends are entirely devoted to the special historical crafts from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. Every weekend there is a different theme, such as pottery, blacksmithing or clothing and textile processing. 

For anyone interested in crafts or history in general, these are the weekends you don't want to miss!

Historic Food Fest 2021

the Netherlands

Hungry! Your own vegetable garden, fermenting, smoking, brewing, and cooking – it’s all the rage. Many of these techniques have a very long history. The preHistorisch Dorp will therefore be taking you to the past on July 10 and 11 for a culinary adventure.

Experimental Roman Minting: Casting Silver-Copper Alloys into a Bronze Mould

Nicola George (UK)
This paper provides the details of a Roman minting experiment, which used a bronze mould to cast debased silver blanks typical of the third century A.D. The investigation follows the paper ''Experiments reproducing Roman debased alloys" (George, 2020) which studied the manufacturing methods used in the production of Roman silver coinage. The purpose of those experiments was to both...

Draft Animals - Past, Present and Future

Organised by

For millenia, draft animals played a key role in the survival of many cultures. Even today, draft animals still secure the livelihood of millions of people around the globe. Be it in transportation, agriculture or forestry: draft animals can offer sustainable, ecofriendly and economically valuable ways of land-use.