Bronze Age

Center for Experimental Archaeology (HR)

Center for Experimental Archaeology is a non-profit organization with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. It was established for development, improvement and promotion of experimental archaeology and experimental approaches to the study of material and immaterial cultural heritage. The main activity of the organisation is directed towards testing the archaeological and anthropological assumptions derived from scientific research of these disciplines. At the same time it promotes the usage of experiments in archaeology, actively educates in their proper utilisation, supports its members during experimentation and encourages them to publish the obtained results.

Center for Experimental Archaeology is a non-profit organization with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. It was established for development, improvement and promotion of experimental archaeology and experimental approaches to the study of material and immaterial cultural heritage...

Reconstruction of the Geometric Décor Technology of the Bronze Age Ceramics in Siberia

Eva Lamina (US)
The grassland and forest steppes ranging from the Ural to the Altai-Sayan mountains were dominated by Andronovo Family cultures during the second millennium BC (the Bronze Age) (Koryakova & Epimakhov 2007; Мартынов 2005). The Andronovo dated ceramic series were characterized by a distinctly expressed geometric ornamentation style...

Kanlıgeçit Open-Air Museum (TR)

Member of EXARC

Kanlıgeçit is an Early Bronze age site 500 m south of the Kırklareli town centre excavated from 1994 to 2006 by a joint project of İstanbul University and the German Archaeological Institute. The settlement was established ca. 3200 BC as a small Thracian village but transformed and redesigned in ca. 2400 BC as a citadel imitating Anatolian town model comprising of megaron type of buildings. The site is being redesigned as an open-air museum by modelling the megaron phase of the settlement.

Kanlıgeçit is a reconstructed site; the excavated area has been covered by soil after the excavation had finished, and the buildings found, are re-built in the exact place in original size. The re-constructed buildings are not complete; they have been built as a half (some walls are a meter but most of them 50 to 70 cm high). Staff did not want to complete the upper part of the structures because of different reasons.

Antonis Vlavogilakis PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
antonisvlavogilakis [at]
Crafts & Skills

My background is in fine art and art education. Originally trained as a visual artist, I completed a PhD at the Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Greece.

A Minoan Experimental House – Paying Tribute to Middle Bronze Age Cretan Vernacular Architecture

Sabine Beckmann (GR)

Prototypes, situation, general description

Especially impressive are the often massive ruins of dwelling foundations referred to as 'oncolithic' in my typology (for details see Beckmann 2012a).These foundations neutralize the often steep slope incline they are built upon, so that the original houses would have stood in a horizontal position. The settlement pattern and surface findings indicate that these installations were vernacular in character and probably housed mixed agricultural farms (ibid.).

Paleoes (IT)

Our Mission is about promoting and spreading culture, research and scientific disclosure, the exchange of knowledge and experiences through the experimental study of ancient technologies, to promote partnerships between the public and private operators of new technology field applied to Archaeology and Cultural heritage, Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information.

Paleoes - eXperimentalTech archeoDrome wants to work for the development, preservation, protection and fruition of cultural heritage, landscape, cultures and traditions of territories, we want to represent the national community of operators of new technologies and experimental technologies applied to the archaeological branch and Cultural heritage in European and international contexts.

V Congreso Internacional de Arqueologia Experimental

Organised by
Organised by
Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES)
Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC)
Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC)

We are delighted to announce that the Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), the Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC), the Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC) and the EXPERIMENTA Association will organize the V International Congress of Experimental Archaeology in Tarragona on 25, 26 and 27 October 2017.

Archaeological Complex Myssle (SK)

Member of EXARC

Since 1977 archaeological research have been realized by Archaeological Institute of SAV in Nitra in the area of Várhegy located in the village of Nižná Myšľa, examining skeletal burial ground and since 1988 there have been a research by Eastern Slovak Museum in Košice, which examines the fortified settlement from the Bronze Age. The authors of the research are Ladislav Olexa and Dárius Gašaj.

We try to present the public with the results of dozens of archaeological seasons through the replicas of the houses, fortifications and farm buildings built in the places where they originally stood and were the objects of archaeological research. In the area there is a partially reconstructed fortified settlement with a gateway and bridged moat. A replica of a log house and a house made of rows of poles from the Bronze Age are also parts of the complex. An event called Return to Várhegy takes place in this area once a year.

Book Review: The Art of Prehistoric Textile Making: The Development of Craft Traditions and Clothing in Central Europe by Karina Grömer

Raylene McCalman (US)
Textile research has made significant advances in recent years as new technologies and methods are developed, tested, and applied to the analyses of archaeological textiles. The FWF-Project1, a collaborative research effort involving researchers and artists from institutions in Austria, the Netherlands, and Germany, engaged in ...