Roman Era

Fire and Bone: An Experimental Study of Cremation

C. Snoeck and
R. J. Schulting (UK)
7th UK EA Conference Cardiff 2013
***Many bone fragments have been burned in controlled laboratory conditions but few have been burned on outdoor pyres. In order to study and understand cremated bone, it is crucial to conduct experiments in real environmental conditions. In this study several cremations were carried out outdoors...

Roman City Carnuntum (AT)

Member of EXARC

In Carnuntum, the time of the Romans is not in the long-ago past, visible only by a few remains of walls, but pervades the present which can be experienced with all one’s senses.

In Carnuntum, the time of the Romans is not in the long-ago past, visible only by a few remains of walls, but pervades the present which can be experienced with all one’s senses...

Conference Review: 7th Experimental Archaeology Conference, Cardiff 2013

Heather Hopkins (UK)
EAC Conferences
***The 7th Experimental Archaeology Conference was held on 12-13th January 2013. This annual event, first held in 2006. This year it was hosted jointly by the School of History, Archaeology and Religion at Cardiff University and St Fagan’s Open-Air Museum. Seventy-five delegates originally booked to attend, but one hundred actually...

Historia Vivens - Living History & Emotional Heritage (IT)

Historia Vivens is an Italy-based private project especially devoted to favour the rediscovering and promoting of the European heritage: historical sites, open-air living history and folk museums, theme parks and special archaeological projects, Living History and Folklore.

Historia Vivens is an Italy-based private project especially devoted to favour the rediscovering and promoting of the European heritage: historical sites...

Numancia (ES)

Member of EXARC

The archaeological site of Numancia is situated south of the village of Garray in the region of Castilla y Leon, Spain, and is one of the most known battle sites during the wars between Rome and the Celtiberians.

The archaeological site of Numancia is situated south of the village of Garray in the region of Castilla y Leon, Spain, and is one of the most known battle sites during the wars between Rome and the...

Museum Domus - Julióbriga (ES)

Member of EXARC

Close to the site of the famous Roman town of Juliobriga, in Cantabria, in the small village of Retortillo, the Domus museum provides the interpretation centre for the Roman town. Juliobriga was founded in the age of Octavian and was abandoned in the half of the 3rd century AD. The site was explored since its identification (end of the 18th century) and was excavated in many sessions providing an archaeological area of great interest and beauty.

Close to the site of the famous Roman town of Juliobriga, in Cantabria, in the small village of Retortillo, the Domus museum provides the interpretation centre for the Roman town. Juliobriga was founded in the age of...

Castro de Elviña (ES)

Member of EXARC

Few kilometres south of La Coruna, in the northern coast of Spain, excavations started in 1947 and discovered a huge (7- 8 hectares) iron age and Roman fortified settlement. In 2002 a new campaign took place with the support from the local committee of La Coruna and the site is now open to the public. Volunteers as well as professionals and university students are involved in the wider frame of the Proyecto Artabria funded also by the Consellería de Cultura de la Xunta de Galicia and both the Ministerios de Cultura and Fomento.

Few kilometres south of La Coruna, in the northern coast of Spain, excavations started in 1947 and discovered a huge (7- 8 hectares) iron age and Roman fortified settlement. In 2002 a new campaign took place with...

Parque Arqueológico-Natural de la Campa Torres (ES)

Member of EXARC

The archaeological and natural Park of Campa-Torres is located 7 km from the town of Gijón in the west side of its bay in the region of Asturias, northern Spain. It was one of the first results of the project “archaeological parks” by the Ministry of Culture in 1989 and brings together high archaeological value and striking natural surroundings.

The archaeological and natural Park of Campa-Torres is located 7 km from the town of Gijón in the west side of its bay in the region of Asturias, northern Spain. It was one of the first results of the project “archaeological parks” by the Ministry of Culture in 1989...