Calendar of Events

Culinary Archeon

Kind of Event
Market / Fair
Organised by
the Netherlands

Pierre Wind is busy both days with insect snacks from prehistoric times, Roman dishes for young and old, to medieval roasts.

If you  lived in the  Mesolithic , you were mainly engaged in hunting and gathering. You ate fish, small game, nuts and roots of shrubs or fruits. In Archeon, the hunter-gatherers are busy roasting a wild boar, but they don't shy away from eating insects either. These are very nutritious! Try eating a mealworm yourself, if you dare!

The  first farmers  are busy baking bread and making cheese and a kind of beer is already being brewed!

In  Roman times  snacks were prepared on the street for the busy Roman on the way. Taste the delicious culinary delights that the Romans brought to our country, or have a chat with the wine merchant who promotes his wares. Taste the same food and drink consumed by senators 2,000 years ago. Enjoy Libum, the Roman bread, Posca – practical soldier's wine and Roman poffertjes for the children.

In the  Middle Ages, the daily fare was a stew or porridge, supplemented with fresh bread from the baker and of course beer from the monastery! Fish is smoked at the fisherman's house and knee perties are baked for the children. But the wealthy bourgeoisie wants a little more luxury, they prefer to eat a dinner with several courses, where it is almost as important that the food looks expensive as it tastes!

Tasting card
With the tasting card (€ to follow) you can taste the culinary snacks from prehistory, Roman times and Middle Ages for yourself! The tasting card will be available online in due course and at the entrance.

Book your visit here.