Calendar of Events

Historic Food Fest 2021

Kind of Event
the Netherlands

Hungry! Your own vegetable garden, fermenting, smoking, brewing, and cooking – it’s all the rage. Many of these techniques have a very long history. The preHistorisch Dorp will therefore be taking you to the past on July 10 and 11 for a culinary adventure.

  • How do you keep food from perishing without a refrigerator?
  • How far did one need to travel for that one meal?
  • Did people already drink alcohol in prehistoric times?
  • Which techniques and ingredients did the Romans bring with them?

You will learn all about it during the Historic Foodfest, turning every meal into a feast! There will be enough to discover and still your hunger for more history. Such as:

  • Take part in an herbs workshop.
  • Learn about conserving, brewing, and more.
  • Join in during a foraging walk.
  • Discover everything about the kimchi of the middle ages.
  • Enjoy a bite and a drink in our inn Den Bonten Os.
  • And much, much more ...

Are you already salivating? Then come on July 10 or 11 to discover and taste in the preHistorisch Dorp.

Due to the corona restrictions, the Foodfest will be somewhat different in 2021 than in previous years: there are a maximum number of tickets available. So only the quickest foodies will be sure to get in.

Choose to visit in the morning or afternoon:

From 09:30 till 13:00

From 13:30 till 17:00