Calendar of Events

Life on the Pałucka Farm

Kind of Event

In the Archaeological Museum in Biskupin, there are not only monuments related to the archeology of the region but also ethnography. Among them, the largest is the Pałucka cottage from the 18th century. And it is she who will become the focal point of the event. "W pałuckiej zagrodzie" is an event referring to the Pałuki region lying on the border of Wielkopolska, Kujawy and Krajna. Although they cover an area of only 2 thousand. km 2 are very diverse. Pałuczanie has preserved a sense of their own cultural identity and some elements of old customs to this day. The traditional the Pałuki dress, the traditions of embroidery, music, sculpture and ornamentation as well as the local dialect are also cultivated. During our event, you will be able to find out about it the best.