Università di Sassari (IT)

Member of EXARC

Research by the Laboratory of Prehistory and Experimental Archaeology (LaPArS – Laboratorio di Preistoria e Archeologia Sperimentale) of the University of Sassari is orientated towards the study of cultural phenomena of recent Prehistory in the Western Mediterranean, with particular attention paid to insular archaeology and Sardinian Prehistory.

Along with scientific objectives, which are its principal purpose, the Laboratorio also serves to supplement the didactic resources of the university, through seminars and outdoor practical activities as well as through workshops. A third aim is to encourage contact between the scientific world and the general public, using methodological approaches such as Public Archaeology and Experimental Archaeology.

The research group working at LaPArS reflects, through its composition, the various specialisations required of the interdisciplinary formulation of the Laboratorio. Within the varied scientific and educational activities ample space is dedicated to the themes relating to the transformation of raw materials in Prehistory, especially clay, which is used in the most frequently encountered categories of artefacts identified in the contexts being studied. In this field Experimental Archaeology plays a prominent role. Maria Grazia Melis, who directs LaPArS, is a specialist in the recent Prehistory of the western Mediterranean, with particular interest in the Neolithic and the Copper Age. Daniel Albero Santacreu (University of the Balearic Islands) and Paola Mameli (University of Sassari) are specialists in the Archaeometry of ceramics; the technological study of ceramics is entrusted to Jaume Garcia Rossellò of the University of the Balearic Islands. Stefania Bagella is the curator of Muniss - Museo di Ateneo of the university (http://museo.uniss.it). Alessandra Celant is responsible for Archaeobotany at the department for Environmental Biology at the university “La Sapienza” of Rome. At the same university Margherita Mussi runs research activity in the fields of European and African Palaeolithic and Mesolithic contexts. Laura Manca, researcher at the UMR 7209 (Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle et CNRS, Paris), is a specialist in analysis of artefacts made from hard animal material. Lastly, Marco Zedda (University of Sassari), works in the field of archaeo-zoological analyses. Other researchers, associated with various national and international research institutes, collaborate with LaPArS on an occasional basis.

40.71851, 8.569508