Asociación Cantabruri Historia 3.0 - Difusión y Divulgación del Patrimonio Histórico (ES)

Member of EXARC since

Cantabruri Association (Cantabruri - Dissemination and Disclosure of Historical Heritage), an association of historians and archaeologists who, at the end of our studies, have profiled ourselves for the disclose and dissemination of historical heritage. We focus on the Cantabria area, in the north of Spain. We are currently working with different regional government institutions.


Our association is made up of historians, archaeologists, directors & monitors in free time, as well as other specialists ..., all this academic variety makes us see and feel the heritage and history in a different way from what has been regulated and instituted so far.

As an association, our objective is to spread the history and everything that encompasses it, using dynamic techniques and new technologies for this, always with a scientific basis. We call diffusion and dissemination 3.0, the activities we carry out, this is the fusion of experimental archeology and new technologies together with the use of pedagogy 3.0, in which students are an active and dynamic part of the teaching process, sharing the Confucian thought: “I Hear and I Forget, I See and I Remember, I Do and I Understand”.

The activities of the Cantabruri Association present a non-formal education; they take place in schools, libraries, museums and open spaces, with children, youth and adults.
Each season presents different activities and workshops, which have been divided into diffusion and experimental archeology. Archeology activities and workshops experimental presents a scientific basis, through controlled experimentation.

Outreach activities and workshops promote historical knowledge in a lighter way, in which participants create content with resources adapted to the historical period.

43.470966, -3.804628