
Oldenburger Wallmuseum (DE)

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At the Oldenburger Wallmuseum the visitors can discover three thematic parts: a typical Ostholstein tenant farm, the Slavonic period in the 10th century and the St. Johannis Toten- und Schützengilde from 1192.

At the Oldenburger Wallmuseum the visitors can discover three thematic parts: a typical Ostholstein tenant farm, the Slavonic period in the 10th century and the St. Johannis Toten- und Schützengilde from 1192...

Bajuwarenhof Kirchheim (DE)

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Near München archaeologists and volunteers constructed a house and several other structures.
Upper Bavaria 1400 years ago... How did people live at that time? What did their houses look like, their working tools and other items of everyday's life? What kind of clothes did they wear, how were fabrics woven, dyed and worked? What did they eat, how did they bake bread, conserve meat or brew mead?

Near Muenich archaeologists and volunteers constructed a house and several other structures. Upper Bavaria 1400 years ago... How did people live at that time? What did their houses look like, their working tools and other items of every day's life?...

The Scottish Crannog Centre (UK)

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Join the 21st Century Crannog Community where you will be guaranteed a warm welcome and taken on a fascinating journey into Scotland's prehistory. Walk in the footsteps of the original Crannog dwellers and immerse yourself in village life with original artefacts; demonstrations of textiles, cooking and ancient crafts & technologies; paddle into prehistory in one of our replica log boats and take in the atmosphere inside the Crannog Roundhouse.

Join the 21st Century Crannog Community where you will be guaranteed a warm welcome and taken on a fascinating journey into Scotland's prehistory. Walk in the footsteps of the original Crannog dwellers and immerse yourself in village life with original artefacts....

Antiquitates - Centro di Archeologia Sperimentale (IT)

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In the heart of Central Italy there is an ancient land once known with the name of “Etruria”, where you can make a journey through centuries. Located in this pristine landscape, dominated only by nature, is Antiquitates, an Archaeological Education Park and a Research Centre for Experimental Archaeology, as well as a warm and cosy Guest House where you can spend a relaxing holiday dedicated to nature, equitation and archaeology.

In the heart of Central Italy there is an ancient land once known with the name of “Etruria”, where you can make a journey through centuries. Located in this pristine landscape, dominated only by nature, is Antiquitates, an Archaeological Education Park and a Research Centre for Experimental Archaeology, as well as a warm and cosy Guest House where you can spend a relaxing holiday dedicated to nature, equitation and archaeology...

Skäftekärr arkeologiska friluftsmuseum (SE)

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The Island Öland, east of Kalmar is about 137 kilometres long and was rich in the Iron Age, due to its strategic location. Near Löttorp, a small village in the north, there are several Iron age villages discoverad and most of them are visable above the ground – the best preserved Iron Age villages in Europé. Most of them has been inhabitaded between 200-800 AD.

The Island Öland, east of Kalmar is about 125 kilometres long and was rich in the Iron Age, due to its strategic location. Near Löttorp, a small village in the north, an Iron Age site was discovered, being inhabited between 500 and 1050 AD...

Matrica Múzeum és Régészeti Park (HU)

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Just 25 kilometres south of Budapest in Hungary you will find near the E73 an archaeological reservation measuring 50 hectares, known by the name Százhalombatta which literally refers to the “hundred tumuli” which you will find here. The reservation and its archaeological park is situated near the Danube and is well reachable with public transport.

Just 25 kilometres south of Budapest in Hungary you will find near the E73 an archaeological reservation measuring 50 hectares, known by the name Százhalombatta which literally refers to the “hundred tumuli” which you will find here...

Parco Archeologico e Museo all’Aperto della Terramara di Montale (IT)

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The terramara of Montale, near Modena in Northern Italy, is a typical Bronze Age settlement with pile dwellings surrounded by a ditch with water and imposing earthwork fortifications.
Next to the site is an Open-Air Museum with life-size reconstructions of two houses furnished with replicas of the original finds dating back 3500 years.

The terramara of Montale is a typical Bronze Age settlement with pile dwellings surrounded by a ditch with water and imposing earthwork fortifications. Next to the site is an Open-Air Museum with life-size reconstructions of...

Kierikkikeskus / Kierikki Stone Age Centre (FI)

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Kierikki Stone Age Centre is the biggest Stone Age Centre in Finland. It is located 55 kilometres NE from Oulu, the biggest city in Northern Finland, on the banks of the Iijoki river.

The archaeological exhibition at the Kierikki Stone Age Centre displays objects from the Stone Age. In addition, activity programs in the reconstructed Stone Age Village offer a unique opportunity to experience life as it was lived thousands of years ago...

Araisi Ezerpils Archaeological Park (LV)

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At Āraiši Archaeological Park (Āraišu arheoloģiskais parks) you can discover and explore dwellings from Stone Age to Midle Age. There are Stone Age and Bronze Age building reconstructions, that are reconstructed according to recerch data in Latvia so far. The main object in Āraiši Archaeological Park is the reconstruction of the Viking Age ancient Latgallian fortress in the original place – on a small lake island. This fortress represents unique tipe of settlements in Latvia, that is discovered only in 10 lakes in Eastern part of Latvia. At the park complex you will find an original medieval 14th century castle ruins as well.

At Āraiši Archaeological Park (Āraišu arheoloģiskais parks) you can discover and explore dwellings from Stone Age to Midle Age. There are Stone Age and Bronze Age building reconstructions, that are reconstructed according to recerch data in Latvia so far. The main object in Āraiši Archaeological Park is the reconstruction of the Viking Age ancient Latgallian fortress in the original place – on a small lake island....

Parco Archeologico Didattico del Livelet (IT)

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Parco Archeologico didattico del Livelet is an open-air museum based on the western shore of Lago lake, in the municipality of Revine Lago, province of Treviso. The area is located in a glacial valley at the foothills of the Pre-Alps (225m a.s.l.), surrounded by a rich naturalistic environment, Site of Community Importance (S.I.C.) for Natura 2000 and included in the recent naturalistic park “Parco dei Laghi della Vallata”.

Parco Archeologico didattico del Livelet is an open-air museum based on the western shore of Lago lake, in the municipality of Revine Lago, province of Treviso. The area is...