Flint Knapping
As part of the course, an experienced rock cutter shows various processing techniques for flint and also discusses archaeological finds. Then the participants pick up a flint piece and make their own flint tool.
As part of the course, an experienced rock cutter shows various processing techniques for flint and also discusses archaeological finds. Then the participants pick up a flint piece and make their own flint tool.
Course leader: Michael Wagner
Cost: 140 euro without materials (to be paid for on-site, approx. 40-55 euro)
We would like to invite you to participate in the 2nd Conference of the Faculty of Archaeology ‘Przeszłość ma przyszłość!/ The Past Has a Future!’, which will take place, in a hybrid format at the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw (Poland) and online on March 22-26th, 2021
Gabriela Sartori Mingatos (São Paulo – Brazil – 1986), studied History at Nove de Julho University and Social Sciences at Federal University of São Paulo. She obtained her Master’s Degree at the National Museum.
In this introductory course, you can make your own natural wood bow in one day.
Dr. Liye Xie studies the co-construction of technology and society with specialties in preindustrial technologies of bone, stone, and earthen construction.
Paläotechnik offers ancient technology expertise since 1996. The main focus is on indigenous and prehistoric skin processing technology, including related fields like bone, antler and ivory technology.
Since 1994 I am the director of the Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen.
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The Netherlands
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Website: EXARC.net
Email: info@exarc.net
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