
International Museum Day 2021 at Museum für Urgeschichte(n)


For once, the museum day takes place online and offline at the same time. Our on-site program shows what we can take with us from the past for the future. The #museumkick campaign invites everyone to post their own museum experiences in the virtual space.

Adrien Fauchois

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
adrien.fauchois [at]
Crafts & Skills

I am a student in archaeology at the Sorbonne-université in Paris, France. I am also a flint knapper since 2018. I have always been fascinated by archaeology, ancient civilisations and artifacts. Thus, when the time had come, I decided to study archaeology at univeristy.

Peter Wiking

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
sir_wiking [at]
Crafts & Skills

I started in 1997 to work at Ekehagens Forntidsby, where I got in contact with flintknapping. Worked there for 8 years as schoolinstructor, prehistory technologies as flintknapping. I worked with Uppsala, Lund and Malmö universities with different Flint/stone experiments.

Book Review: Determining Prehistoric Skin Processing Technologies by Theresa Emmerich Kamper

Carol van Driel-Murray (NL)
This volume on prehistoric tanning technology is the revised and expanded version of the dissertation submitted to Exeter University in 2015. It is noteworthy in that it places experiment at the heart of the entire research programme, thereby radically changing the perspective from which archaeological and ethnographic artefacts might be approached...

Parco Archeologico del Lago Pistono (IT)

Member of EXARC

The Parco Archeologico del Lago Pistono is a cultural project aiming to integrate environment, history and nature. Its proposed path is correctly addressed towards Piemonte nord-occidentale’s prehistory and protohistory. Through the guided route it can be learned how and of what the Neolitic human communities used to live and how cultural progress influenced their everyday life.

The union of archaeological and naturalistic zones show is to the visitor show, 7,000 years ago, humans and environment were tightly bonded and even today we can feel it. The landscape study is also a primary objective to research, ranging from prehistory to the Middle Ages.