Newest Era

UCD Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (IE)

Member of EXARC

The Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (CEAMC) at University College Dublin, Ireland, established since 2012, is one of the only specifically designed and dedicated, on-campus university facilities in the world for experimental archaeology and material culture studies. It supports research projects, innovative teaching, and public outreach activities, so as to enable the creation of a better understanding of the nature and role of crafts, technologies and materiality in people’s lives in the past.

The Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (CEAMC) at University College Dublin, Ireland, established since 2012, is one of the only specifically designed and dedicated, on-campus university facilities in the world for experimental archaeology and material culture studies.

Talana Museum, Battlefield and Heritage Park (ZA)

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Named after the hill at the base of which the museum is situated, "Talana" meaning "the shelf where precious items are stored" is a most appropriate name for this large and varied museum. Started in 1979 to commemorate the Anglo Zulu war, the small collection moved to the present site at the beginning of 1983.

A 20-acre section of "Dundee" farm, bought in 1982, for the development of a museum to commemorate the centenary of Dundee, included the home and farmstead of one of the founders of the town, the site of the first coal mining activity in this area and portion of the Talana battlefield. Since then the museum has expanded to include more of the original battlefield and Smith farm and now has 42 buildings.

The Historic Village at Allaire (US)

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The Historic Village at Allaire is a living history museum that interprets the Howell Iron Works Company founded in 1822. The museum demonstrates historic crafts such as blacksmithing, hearth cooking, carpentry, tinsmithing, and many others...

The Historic Village at Allaire is a living history museum that interprets the Howell Iron Works Company founded in 1822. The museum demonstrates historic crafts such as blacksmithing, hearth cooking, carpentry, tinsmithing, and many others.

Fort Davis National Historic Site (US)

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A key post in the defence system of west Texas, Fort Davis played a major role in the history of the Southwest. From 1854 until 1891, troops stationed at the post protected emigrants, freighters, mail coaches, and travellers on the San Antonio-El Paso Road. Today Fort Davis is one of the best remaining examples of a frontier military post. It is a vivid reminder of the significant role played by the military in the settlement and development of the western frontier...

A key post in the defence system of west Texas, Fort Davis played a major role in the history of the Southwest. From 1854 until 1891, troops stationed at the post protected emigrants, freighters, mail coaches, and travellers on the San Antonio-El Paso Road. Today Fort Davis is one of the best remaining examples of a frontier military post. It is a vivid reminder of the significant role played by the military in the settlement and development of the western frontier.

Fort La Reine Museum (CA)

Member of EXARC

Fort la Reine was built by Pierre Gaultier de la Verendrye and his two sons in 1739 on the north side of the Assiniboine River along the Yellowquill Trail, just southwest of the City of Portage la Prairie...

Fort la Reine was built by Pierre Gaultier de la Verendrye and his two sons in 1739 on the north side of the Assiniboine River along the Yellowquill Trail, just southwest of the City of Portage la Prairie...

The Archaeological Open-Air Site of the Museum of Prehistory MAMUZ and Its Cultural Touristic Development

Matthias Pacher (AT)
MAMUZ is the new name that combines the Lower Austrian museum of prehistory Niederösterreich Asparn/Zaya and the museum centre Museumszentrum Mistelbach to create a centre of experiences and knowledge covering 40,000 years of the history of the human race. Using the example of its archaeological open-air site, the museum of prehistory MAMUZ aims to...

The Influence of Spatial Structure on the Economic Value of an Archaeological Park

Andreja Breznik (SI)
This article is a summary of a presentation held at the conference in Mistelbach in 2015, “Archaeological Reconstructions and Tourism”. The conference topic leads us to a more consistent approach to reconstructions and tourism. All who work in the heritage sector know that all types of museums have a great influence on the tourism sector...

Towards a Best Practise of Volunteer Use Within Archaeological Open-air Museums: an Overview with Recommendations for Future Sustainability and Growth

Andrew Spencer (UK)
For many archaeological open-air museums (AOAMs), volunteers are an essential and highly visible component of an effective institution. Volunteers bring museums to life with meaningful interpretive contacts, and offer institutions the opportunity to broaden their mission and complete tasks that may not otherwise be possible...