Viking Age

Spring Viking Market


When nature wakes up after the long winter, the trading town of Haithabu comes to live again. The doors are opened wide to let the first rays of sunshine into the houses. A good time to hold a market! What was created during the long winter in the workshops of the artisans or brought back from the last trip is sold at the spring market in Haithabu.

Live like the Vikings


“Live like the Vikings” - for this some invest a lot of energy, time and money. Once a year, living history performers, dealers and guests meet in Oerlinghausen - for one of the largest and most traditional events of its kind in Europe. On September 11th and 12th Over 70 Viking actors from Germany, the Netherlands, England and Poland bring the Archaeological Open-Air Museum to life.

St Fagans' Craft Weekend

United Kingdom

Craft and making is at the heart of St Fagans and its collections. Our new galleries are filled with handmade objects - some over 200,000 years old. From the humblest bowl to the finest textiles – the urge to shape, make, mend and decorate and has always been with us.

Join us as we celebrate craft and creativity across the Museum this weekend.

Barbara Klessig MA cand. PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
bkk4 [at]

I teach experimental archaeology in the Anthropology department at Humboldt State University, California. The labs and classes provide student insight into past technologies, helping them recognize the tools and evidence in the field.

Ancient Sambia (RU)

Member of EXARC

"Ancient Sambia" is an archaeological open-air museum about the Viking on the territory of current Lithuania, Poland and Kaliningrad region neighbouring with the Curonian and Vistula lagoons. The local population in those days were Balts (Prussians and Curonians) and Scandinavians.

Visitors can get familiar with the traditional culture and way of life, with the costumes of the Baltic nations in the Viking Age, but also immerse themselves in the Old Norse atmosphere. on the territory of current Lithuania, Poland and Kaliningrad region neighboring with Curonian and Vistula lagoons. The Vikings and their fighting friends tell their secrets, teach rites of initiation into warriorship and visitors can try their hand in amber processing, the manufacture of weapons and shooting bow and arrow.

Slavic Village X Century (RU)

Member of EXARC

The city Lyubytino is one of the oldest centers of the Novgorod region. It has numerous historical and architectural monuments. The area is quite rugged with unique natural landscapes, karst lakes, rapids and waterfalls on the rivers White and Priksha.

Among the vast forests in the lake region, between the rivers and waterfalls one thousand years ago, Slavs built their settlements and built relationships with local Finno-Ugric tribes.

Geirsstaðakirkja Turf Church (IS)

Member of EXARC

In the summer of 1997 archaeological excavations were done in the Hróarstunga area. They found ruins of a large farm from the Viking Era. This included a long house, a small church and two smaller buildingssurounded by a turf wall. The church was built originally in the Commonwealth (930-1262).

The church was probably the home-church of Hróar, son of Uni the Dane, one of East-Iceland's settlers. The church served one farm family only. The building style was common here as well as in Norway.