Viking Age

Nysäter Vikingacenter (SE)

Member of EXARC

In 2009, the Värmlands Vikingacenter, a centre entirely devoted to the history of the Vikings, opened to visitors at Värmland, on the northern shore of lake Vänern, in southwest Sweden.

Extensive meadowland next to the river, which flows into the Harefjorden, reproduces a Viking Age environment where, during the summer months, demonstrations of handcraft techniques are performed and theme-based markets take place. A modern structure houses an exhibition that is well-known to enthusiasts: it consists mainly of scale reproductions of daily activities performed in a Viking port. These were previously displayed at the Jorvik Viking Center in York (England - UK), and acquired with the help of local associations.

Duncarron Medieval Village (UK)

Member of EXARC

It started life as a drawing scribbled on a beermat. An image of a museum without glass display cabinets, without boundaries. A museum with fully interactive exhibits that would teach about Scotland’s past.

Fifteen years later that drawing is becoming a reality as Duncarron a fully fortified Medieval Village situated beside the Carron Valley Reservoir and the men sitting around the table that night have become a recognised charity, The Clanranald Trust for Scotland (The Trust).

V Congreso Internacional de Arqueologia Experimental

Organised by
Organised by
Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES)
Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC)
Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC)

We are delighted to announce that the Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), the Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC), the Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC) and the EXPERIMENTA Association will organize the V International Congress of Experimental Archaeology in Tarragona on 25, 26 and 27 October 2017.

EmCadeamentos (PT)

At EmCadeamentos we dedicate ourselves to promote and disseminate the historical heritage, with the intention of value it. Minding this, we gathered a group of historians, archaeologists and other professionals that combining their theoretical knowledge to their practical skills; promote cultural activities with a real historical foundation.

At EmCadeamentos we dedicate ourselves to promote and disseminate the historical heritage, with the intention of value it. Minding this, we gathered a group of historians, archaeologists and other professionals that combining their theoretical knowledge to their practical skills; promote cultural activities with a real historical foundation.

Conference Review: EAA Vilnius – about Archaeological Tourism, Visualisation, Experiment and Reconstruction

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
The European Association of Archaeologists held its annual conference of 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania. About 1,500 participants attended a programme, with a similar number of papers, in over 100 sessions. About a dozen EXARC members attended; what follows here is a review of three sessions...

Cooking in Baskets Using Hot Rocks

Jonathan Thornton (US)
Baskets are among the most ancient of human artefacts. Everyone is familiar with their most common functions as containers for transport and storage. When told that baskets have also served as cooking vessels, most people will be unable to conceive of how this is possible, yet this was a primary function of baskets for many cultures of the past, and some until the present...

UCD Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (IE)

Member of EXARC

The Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (CEAMC) at University College Dublin, Ireland, established since 2012, is one of the only specifically designed and dedicated, on-campus university facilities in the world for experimental archaeology and material culture studies. It supports research projects, innovative teaching, and public outreach activities, so as to enable the creation of a better understanding of the nature and role of crafts, technologies and materiality in people’s lives in the past.

The Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (CEAMC) at University College Dublin, Ireland, established since 2012, is one of the only specifically designed and dedicated, on-campus university facilities in the world for experimental archaeology and material culture studies.

Bork Vikingehavn (DK)

Member of EXARC

"The Viking ships are gently rocking in the harbour. In the longhouse, the housewife sews new clothes, and sparks fly around the blacksmith, who makes new nails at the fire. Work is being done on the new Viking harbour next to the small wooden church where candlelight flickers under a victorious Christ. At the sacrificial grove offerings are made to the Æsir Gods ...”

Outside you can often see talented Vikings who work at the Viking houses, and you can try your hand at the training tools at the Viking playground. In the sacrificial grove you can sacrifice to the Nordic gods, and in the Viking hall the children can dress up as Vikings. Every day, a Viking story teller is ready to take you on the free public tour, which gives an exciting insight into the Viking Age and the history of Bork Viking Harbour. Bring your family along and let us give you a 1000-year-old experience you will forget late.