Mixed Matters

A Field Trip to the Ukraine, April 2010

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
In April 2010, a conference took place at Olevsk, which was a good occasion to go to Kyiv and meet Dr Andrey Petrauskas of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. The main purpose of the visit was to discuss the plans for reconstructions at three archaeological sites, to set it in perspective of other reconstructions elsewhere...

Book Review: Die Knochen- und Geweihgeräte der Feddersen Wierde by Katrin Struckmeyer

Wietske Prummel (NL)
The purpose of this book, which was originally presented as a dissertation at Hamburg University, is to present the 1,293 bone, antler, horn and ivory tools that were found at the terp settlement Feddersen Wierde in the coastal area of Lower Saxony, Germany, and to decide on the possible functions of the tools.

Book Review: The Minoan Double Axe: An Experimental Study of Production and Use by Maria Lowe Fri

James R. Mathieu (US)
British Archaeological Reports has once again provided the world with an excellent publication on experimental archaeology. Maria Lowe Fri’s book is a revised version of her Ph.D. thesis at Stockholm University (2007). As the title indicates, it focuses on the Minoan double axe...

Conference Review: III Congrès Internacional d’Arqueologia Experimental

Sara Graziano (IT)
From 17 - 19 October 2011 in Banyoles, Spain, the third international congress of experimental archeology took place, organized by the Asociacion Experimenta. Banyoles 2011 was a very intense conference, with over 50 speakers in three days, the quality of presentations was particularly high, as well as the presence of young, skilled and passionate researchers...

Discussion: Archaeological Reconstruction in Situ

For the authors see the article

A view of John H. Jameson (USA)

At historic sites, monuments, and parks, the process of effective interpretation allows each visitor to find an opportunity to personally connect with a resource or place. Each individual may connect to the place in a different way, and some may not connect immediately, but everyone should have an opportunity to explore how that special site or place is meaningful to them.

Conference Review: International Workshop, An Integration of Use-Wear and Residue Analysis for the Identification of the Function of Archaeological Stone Tools

Cristina Lemorini and
Stella Nunziante Cesaro (IT)

The international workshop, titled An integration of use-wear and residues analysis for the identification of the function of archaeological stone tools, took place in Rome between 5-7 March, 2012 at the Sapienza University and at the National Council of Research (CNR)..

Book Review: Experimental Archaeology Presented in the AiD Magazine

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)

The top popular magazine in Germany on archaeology is called Archäologie in Deutschland, simply referred to as ‘AiD’. It has been published every two months since 1984 and is 84 pages in length. The publisher is Theiss from Stuttgart. They publish on archaeology, history and ethnography and carry about 650 titles...

Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2011

Mark Butler (US)
REARC Conferences
***The second annual Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology Conference was held at the Schiele Museum of Natural History, Gastonia, NC, 16-17 October, 2011 and was attended by over 50 participants representing at least 10 states, two countries and an unknown number of general museum visitors...