Iron Age

Roundhouse Overnight Stay

United Kingdom

Enjoy a magical family adventure sleeping overnight in your own roundhouse in a safe and stimulating outdoor setting at Celtic Harmony Camp, a hidden gem in the Hertfordshire countryside, with its thatched roundhouses located in a beautiful native woodland.

Your stay includes:

Book Review: With One Needle: How to Nålbind by Mervi Pasanen

Emma Boast (UK)
In the modern world currently, there is an interest in and desire to understand ancient craft technologies, along with learning the practical side of these skills. Nålbinding is a craft which has been taught and demonstrated for the last 50 years, mainly within heritage and re-enactment communities. The cultural and social history of this craft has survived as a narrative better in some countries than others...

International Bushcraft Event

Organised by
International Bushcraft Event
the Netherlands

The International Bushcraft Event, will be held some time in 2022 in The Netherlands (Holland). This event will be quite unique in its kind since it will bring instructors from all over the world to the public at one and the same place. As the International Bushcraft Symposium focuses on professionals, the International Bushcraft Event will be focused on the general public.

Book Review: Viking and Iron Age expanded Boats by Ole Crumlin-Pedersen and Hanus Jensen

Robert Holtzman (UK)
Viking and Iron Age expanded boats is the English version of the simultaneously-published Danish edition, Udspændte både fra vikingetid og jernalder. The two editions are identical in layout and are heavily illustrated with colour and black and white photographs, and line drawings from a variety of sources. This review is of the English edition. By “expanded boats”, the authors mean those craft that are more...

From Sound Stone to Bagpipe


Demonstration and performance, 18.-19.07.2020, 10-17 o´clock

Ancient instruments hold a fascination for many people.
Therefore we offer the chance to get in touch with shawn, flute, bagpipe and jaw harp. All weekend long a number of medieval instruments will be played and explained by an archaeologist and musician. 

Your Summer Holidays at the Brandenburg State Museum of Archaeology


Our summer workshops for kids are a playful introduction to old crafts and technologies and a really handmade time travel.

On four successive days we offer outdoor workshops with different contents that apply to children from the age of 6 to10 years.