
Archaeological Spring in Biskupin


We will open the new tourist season with a bang! We invite you for a picnic to Biskupin. "Archaeological spring" is an event during which our park wakes up after the winter and teems with new spring life. Exhibitors and workshops will be waiting for visitors, including flintstone, prehistoric and early medieval weaving, pottery, and making decorati

Event Review: EXARC at the Times and Epochs Festival, Moscow, Russia

E. Giovanna Fregni (IT)
In August 2018, members of EXARC participated in Moscow’s Times and Epochs Festival for the third year . The annual festival is held on park boulevards that surround the inner city, providing an ideal green space for reenactors to recreate various periods of Russia’s history. The main sites were located in Tverskaya Square, Nikitsky, Passion and Tver Boulevards, on Kamergersky Lane and Profsoyuznaya Street...

The Construction of a Skin-on-Frame Coracle at Kierikki Stone Age Centre

Peter Groom,
India McDermott and
Evon Kirby (UK)
In July 2018 a group of students from the UK participating in the Placements in Environmental, Archaeological and Traditional Skills (PEATS) Erasmus + Work Placement, attended the Kierikki Stone Age Centre, Pahkalantie, Finland. During the week previous to this experiment, the same group of students had built a skin-on-frame canoe, so the decision was taken to build an alternative lightweight craft...

The Construction of a Skin-on-Frame Canoe at Kierikki Stone Age Centre, Finland, as a Medium for Group Training in Ancient Skills and Experiential Learning

Peter Groom,
Patrick Sweeney and
James Findlay (UK)
In July 2018 a group of students from the UK participating in the Placements in Environmental, Archaeological and Traditional Skills (PEATS) Erasmus + Work Placement, attended the Kierikki Stone Age Centre, Pahkalantie, Finland. Part of that training included experimental / experiential projects that were coordinated by Dr. Peter Groom of the Mesolithic Resource Group...

Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (ES)

Member of EXARC

Though only  less more  than 50 years old, the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) has already consolidated itself amongst the 200 best universities in the world within the main university rankings and is located within the top 10 new universities with greatest international projection and prestige.

Though only  less more  than 50 years old, the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) has already consolidated itself amongst the 200 best universities in the world within the main university rankings and is located within the top 10 new universities with greatest international projection and prestige...

Archeopark dell’Etna (IT)

Member of EXARC

The Archeopark Etna is the first real-life prehistoric interactive village reconstructed in Sicily on the basis of archaeological documentation obtained in Sicily, in particular Etna, and experimentations in the field of lithic, textile, ceramic and agricultural crafts. A dynamic educational park, open to the public and schools, aiming to demonstrate the millenarian bond of people with the territory by means of an experiential path.

In a hut daily activities are reproduced: spinning, weaving, milling of cereals, wining of vegetable fibers, working of clay, decorative painting by crushing natural pigments, processing of animal bones and wood to make ornaments and tools of various kinds; a large sampling of vases faithfully reproduced according to ancient methods is shown.

EAD21 in Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen


Guided tour through the Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age settlements in the Stone Age Park

Under the direction of the Stone Age hunter (and museum educator) Werner Pfeifer, on Sunday, June 20, 2021, starting at 3 p.m., you will go through the reconstructed living quarters of the Mesolithic hunters, gatherers and fishermen.