
Center for Experimental Archaeology (HR)

Center for Experimental Archaeology is a non-profit organization with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. It was established for development, improvement and promotion of experimental archaeology and experimental approaches to the study of material and immaterial cultural heritage. The main activity of the organisation is directed towards testing the archaeological and anthropological assumptions derived from scientific research of these disciplines. At the same time it promotes the usage of experiments in archaeology, actively educates in their proper utilisation, supports its members during experimentation and encourages them to publish the obtained results.

Center for Experimental Archaeology is a non-profit organization with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. It was established for development, improvement and promotion of experimental archaeology and experimental approaches to the study of material and immaterial cultural heritage...

Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2016

Christopher Menke (US)
REARC Conferences
***The 2016 REARC conference hosted by EXARC in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, from November 18th to the 20th, was an unforgettable experience. After a midnight drive and a short night's rest it was time to listen to papers. Everyone giving a presentation was incredibly knowledgeable and the passion they had for their topics...

Winter Count

Organised by

Winter Count is a primitive skills gathering that has been taking place every February in the stunning Sonoran desert of southern Arizona since 1995. Founded by Dave and Paula Wescott, Winter Count (along with its sister gathering, Rabbitstick) is one of the preeminent gatherings of its kind.

Paleoes (IT)

Our Mission is about promoting and spreading culture, research and scientific disclosure, the exchange of knowledge and experiences through the experimental study of ancient technologies, to promote partnerships between the public and private operators of new technology field applied to Archaeology and Cultural heritage, Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information.

Paleoes - eXperimentalTech archeoDrome wants to work for the development, preservation, protection and fruition of cultural heritage, landscape, cultures and traditions of territories, we want to represent the national community of operators of new technologies and experimental technologies applied to the archaeological branch and Cultural heritage in European and international contexts.

V Congreso Internacional de Arqueologia Experimental

Organised by
Organised by
Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES)
Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC)
Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC)

We are delighted to announce that the Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), the Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC), the Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC) and the EXPERIMENTA Association will organize the V International Congress of Experimental Archaeology in Tarragona on 25, 26 and 27 October 2017.

Book Review: The Art of Prehistoric Textile Making: The Development of Craft Traditions and Clothing in Central Europe by Karina Grömer

Raylene McCalman (US)
Textile research has made significant advances in recent years as new technologies and methods are developed, tested, and applied to the analyses of archaeological textiles. The FWF-Project1, a collaborative research effort involving researchers and artists from institutions in Austria, the Netherlands, and Germany, engaged in ...

Conference Review: EAA Vilnius – about Archaeological Tourism, Visualisation, Experiment and Reconstruction

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
The European Association of Archaeologists held its annual conference of 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania. About 1,500 participants attended a programme, with a similar number of papers, in over 100 sessions. About a dozen EXARC members attended; what follows here is a review of three sessions...

Event Review: Archeofest 2016: among Experimental Archaeology, Ethnography and Scientific Disclosure

Massimo Massussi and
Sonia Tucci (IT)
The Archeofest is an experimental archaeological festival designed by Paleoes - eXperimentalTech ArcheoDrome (EXTAD), a cultural association comprising of experimental archaeologists, anthropologists, experts of ancient technologies and their re-enactments, whose focus on making the archaeological knowledge more comprehensive to the public...