
Eric B Marks

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
ebmarks1 [at]
Crafts & Skills

I have always been crafty and have a love of history. So Experimental Archaeology was the perfect match for me. I started my activities back in 2001 with flintknapping and finger-woven bags.

University of the Witwatersrand (ZA)

Member of EXARC

The School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies is one of the leaders in African rock art studies, Palaeoarchaeology, the Stone Age, pre-colonial farming and herding societies and the formation of modern cultural identities in the last five hundred years.

The School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies is one of the leaders in African rock art studies, Palaeoarchaeology, the Stone Age, pre-colonial farming and herding societies and the formation of modern cultural identities in the last five hundred years.

Archeoparc Liptovia (SK)

Member of EXARC

Civic organisation Archeopark Liptovia is a voluntary organization associating people with an interest in presentation, protection, research and education in historical, cultural, folklore, national and natural heritage of Slovakia and Liptov region.

Archeopark Liptovia is a unique project of living ancient village consisting of a complex of prehistoric buildings, which is documenting the settlement of Slovakia from the Stone Age to the Great Migration period.



The Paleofestival held annually from 2005 onwards at La Spezia (Italy) is a very popular event involving combining experimental prehistoric archaeology. Museums, parks and archaeological archeotecnicians, Italians and foreigners could meet and promote their activities to an audience largely composed of children and people interested. The museum of the Castle of St.

Frank Wiersema

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
frank [at]
the Netherlands
Crafts & Skills

Photographer with a passion for history. I make lively scenes that show what life must have looked like in various time-periods. I have done this for museums for either (event) promotion or to liven up their exhibition.

EXAR Tagung experimentelle Archäologie in Europa

Organised by

This annual conference of the European Association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment EXAR takes place at the Archäologisches Landesmuseum Brandenburg (Paulikloster) in Brandenburg an der Havel (Germany). For this conference we ask for presentations.