
Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2013

David Wescott (US)
REARC Conferences
***This article is republished from the Bulletin of Primitive Technology #46. The 4th Annual Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology Conference was recently held in Gastonia, NC at the Schiele Museum of Natural History. The conference theme was Education and Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology...

Conference Review: 8th Experimental Archaeology Conference, Oxford 2014

E. Giovanna Fregni (IT)
EAC Conferences
***The conference unofficially began in the Royal Blenheim pub at 6 pm on Thursday evening. Conference staff and attendees filtered in throughout the evening eventually filling the back room. The pub had excellent food and a good variety of local ales. Those who managed to brave the flooding introduced themselves and got to know...

Book Review: The Emergence of Pressure Blade Making: from Origin to Modern Experimentation by Pierre M. Desrosiers (editor)

Justin Pargeter (ZA)

There are few issues in lithic studies that have captured the imagination and attention of researchers as much as laminar (blade) technologies (see Bar-Yosef & Kuhn 2009). This has resulted in a rich and detailed body of academic work partly reflected in Pierre M. Desrosiers’ (Ed.) The Emergence of Pressure Blade Making: From Origin to Modern Experimentation...

Stone Age Festival

Organised by
Organised by
the Athra Group

Come to the Stone Age Festival with the Nordic pioneers!

Experts in flint knapping, leather tanning or bone tool making. It's not something you see every day, but nevertheless, it's what you can experience when reconstruction agencies and craftspeople with a passion for the hunter Stone Age from all corners of Europe meet to the Sagnlandets Stone Age Festival 'Athra Gathering'.

Museum Burghalde Lenzburg (CH)

Member of EXARC

Museum Burghalde offers open and creative access to 15,000 years of history and culture. We collect and preserve stories, cultural treasures and memories, maintain and combine them, and make them accessible to a broad public in exhibitions, events and workshops.

Museum Burghalde offers open and creative access to 15,000 years of history and culture. We collect and preserve stories, cultural treasures and memories, maintain and combine them, and make them accessible to a broad public in exhibitions, events and workshops...

Book Review: Aurignacian Clay Hearths from Klissoura Cave 1: an Experimental Approach by Malgorzata Kot

Silje Evjenth Bentsen (SA)
About 90 concave, clay-lined hearths were identified during excavations of Aurignacian layers (ca. 35000BC in Klissoura Cave 1, Greece). Only two similar combustion features, identified at the Czech site Dolni Věstonice and defined as kilns, were known from Palaeolithic contexts before the excavations at Klissoura...

Book Review: Fish Leather Tanning and Sewing by Lotta Rahme and Dag Hartman

Danny Honig (NL)
Judging from the extensive bibliography in this book, little to no literature exists on fish leather tanning in English. A quick Google and Amazon search reveals that a good general book on leather tanning includes at least one chapter on fish, reptile and other "alternative" skins...

John C. Whittaker PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
whittake [at]
Crafts & Skills

I am an academic archaeologist teaching at Grinnell College in Iowa, USA. I work with analysis and replication of prehistoric technologies, especially stone tools and atlatls, and early agricultural technology.