Roman Era

AvAnt Ge - Association pour la valorisation de l'Antiquité à Genève (CH)

AvAnt Ge is a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote and share interest and knowledge of Antiquity with the public, through the organization of la Nuit Antique.

It is composed of scholars, professors, students and mediation professionals. By developing and fostering effective synergies between the various actors mentioned, as well as with several institutions in the region, it relies on the vitality of research in this field.

Considering the great enthusiasm of the public for Antiquity in all its forms (history, daily life, archeology, literature…), Avant Ge proposes to federate the motivation and skills of its members around this festival now well anchored in the cultural landscape of Greater Geneva.

Historical Festival Doorn

Organised by
Historisch Festival Doorn and Cranenburgh Events
the Netherlands

The Historical Festival Doorn takes place on 11 and 12 July 2020. Save the dates in your agenda! Take a trip through time with the whole family and experience more than 2500 years of European history!

Gladiatorenschule Trier e.V. - Lvdvs Treverorvm (DE)

Based on the current archaeological findings and the knowledge of various martial arts, we reconstruct, train and demonstrate the gladiator fights of antiquity.

We believe that gladiatorship was anything but an undemanding slaughter. It was a martial art with the presentation of Virtus "Roman virtues" at the highest level. This level is our goal! We have the claim, to learn what the art the gladiator was about and strive to perfection when it comes to being a roman fighter. It is our intention to teach the knowledge we accumulate - cause we believe, that only be understanding our past, we can forge our future.

Augustus at Amphoralis


On the occasion of its open house, the site offers a touring show: Auguste en Gaule. Caesar and his Praetorian Guard disembark at Amphoralis. A fun and playful way to discover the museum with the Artscène Lutin company, who are specialists into diving into the past in an amusing way. And indeed, let us dive 21 centuries back. We are in -27, César Auguste takes

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2019

Stefanie Ulrich (UK)
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***It is the 18th issue of the periodical and includes 27 essays on experimental archaeology as well as an annual report (Jahresbericht, p. 321), an obituary for Sylvia Crumbach (p.325) and instructions for authors (Autorenrichtlinien, p. 326) of Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa on 328 pages...

Roman Festival


The Roman Festival in the Archaeological Park Cambodunum / Kempten (Allgäu) will take place for the fourth time in 2020. During the two-day event, well-known Roman actors from Germany and Europe fill the area of ​​the Roman city of Cambodunum with lively life. In addition to rapid equestrian games and breathtaking gladiator fights, visitors get an insight into the life of the Romans 2

ASOR: Experimental and Experiential Archaeology Session

Organised by
American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR)(US)

Call for Papers

To those of you doing hands-on experimental work in the field, lab, classroom, or anywhere else please come to ASOR 2020 in Boston and present your work in the "Experimental and Experiential Archaeology" session. I know many of you are doing exciting and interesting things and we'd love to hear about them!