Calendar of Events


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Experimenting is a great way to understand and learn. Experimenting through manual activities and the study of ancient technologies, allows us to transform the notional store to an everyday action.
The study of Prehistory and History, through experimental archaeology, is not limited to the story of the technologies used in the past, but leads us to the rediscovery the natural world in which our ancestors lived and from which they derived the necessary daily living.
Experimental archaeology is an important tool for the recovery of the relationship with nature, but also an educational tool to understand a story that has accompanied our path through the millennia.
The Cultural Association Paleoes - eXperimentalTech ArcheoDrome, organize Archeofest 2018, the experimental archaeology festival. This year the 5th edition will take place with two appointments: Villa Giulia Etruscan National Museum on 28th April and on 4-6th May at the Museum of Civilization, prehistoric ethnographic museum "Luigi Pigorini". Paleoes EXTAD will cooperate this year with the Villa Giulia Etruscan National Museum and Museum of Civilizations, under EXARC patronage, the international network of experimental archeology and open-air museums.
The theme of this edition will be transhumance and pastoral culture from prehistory to the present day. The festival will be presented on a special day, April 28, at Villa Giulia Etruscan National Museum, where a workshop on experimental, public and participatory archaeology will be held and experimental areas will be available to the public.
The three days of Archeofest 2018 at the Museum of Civilization will be organized as follows:
• 4th May: opening of the works with the first day of the conference titled "Transhumance. Peoples, paths and pasture cultures". The experimental stations will be also open, with the presence of experimenters and craftspeople, with demonstrations opened to the public.
• 5th May: second day of the conference titled "Transhumance. Peoples, paths and pasture cultures" and experimental sites accessible for workshops open to the public;
• 6th May: third day of experimentations opened to the heterogeneous public and workshops for university students.