Calendar of Events

Bridging Ages - 16th Annual Conference

Kind of Event
Organised by
Bridging Ages

#exact dates TBC

Topic: Engagement in Environment and Local Community

The Time Travel Method in Education, Tourism and Local Development

The next international Bridging Ages conference will be held in Giresun and Ordu, Turkey. The program includes several sessions on these issues, as well as an academic session and a Time Travel event at Giresun Island. We welcome people from museums, schools, universities, municipalities, NGOs and other interested persons and organizations.

Call for Papers

We request papers, panels or workshops that define and analyze the above issues. Both popular and scientific studies and experiences on Applied Heritage and the Time Travel method are welcome.

Write an abstract of your topic of not more than half a page and send to the email address below. In addition, please write a few sentences telling us about yourself. The organizers will structure the accepted papers in sessions, panels and
workshops. A presentation will be not more than 20 minutes.

Please send your abstracts to Hakan Adanir, before 15 May 2020. You will be notified within a month if your paper has been accepted.

Hale Çerkezoğlu Altundaş (, Conference manager
Cem Mutlu Türkseven (
Sinan Servet Celebci (
Gulshera Khan (, President of Bridging Ages

Kindly refer to: Conference information and link to the conference website
