Calendar of Events

IRM - International Reenactmentmarket

Kind of Event
Market / Fair
Organised by
RömerWelt am Caput Limitis (DE)

On April 25th and 26th 2020 the international re-enactment fair IRM2020 will take place for the first time in RömerWelt at the caput limitis in Rheinbrohl. On both days from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm three dozen exhibitors present handcrafted replicas and equipment for living history and re-enactment from the Stone Age to the 19th Century AD. Besides replicas of historical objects, research projects and results of experimental archeology and archaeotechnology will also be presented in the form of a wide range of lectures on both days. The RömerWelt continues herewith the series of events started in the Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg in 2011.

In Germany and neighboring countries there is a large number of history actors, who are involved in the staging of historical events (re-enacting), individual scenes and crafts (living history) or who are researching and exercising historical production methods and techniques (experimental archeology/archaeotechnology). Numerous museums have recognized the value of these performers and make use of them to help explain their exhibitions or to enrich their museum celebrations.

The International Reenactment Fair (IRM) offers the opportunity to learn about new replicas and equipment from all periods of human history from the Stone Age up to the 19th century and to complement your own equipment. As Experience Museum, the RömerWelt in Rheinbrohl is a suitable event location for the as “Market of active people for active people” conceived re-enactment fair. At IRM2020 one or the other hand-forged helmet, clay cups manufactured on the potter's wheel or a hand-woven fine coat can of course also change hands.

At IRM2020 three dozen exhibitors, manufacturers, dealers and workshops will provide an overview of their product and service range. Since 2011, the IRM has not only been a fixed meeting point at the beginning of the season for active history actors and history buffs, but also for museums and actors from the museum education area. The IRM is dedicated to a variety of topics and products: e.g. leather and glassware, literature, textiles, everyday objects, ceramics, wicker, weapons and jewelry. The selected experts show and explain to the interested visitor their detailed information about replicas made according to original templates and offer an insight into current projects and research.

A detailed overview of the exhibitors and the lecture program of the IRM2020 are available on the Website
Admission: Adults 8.00 euros, reduced admission 6.00 euros
Two-day ticket adults 12.00 euros
Contact: RömerWelt at the caput limitis Arienheller 1 D-56598 Rheinbrohl
Tel. 02635-921866