Calendar of Events

Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology Conference (REARC)

Organised by

Once again experimental archaeologists from around the world will be gathering at Colonial Williamsburg for the 8th International Conference on Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology (REARC). In addition to hearing scholarly presentations, attendees can engage with a variety of historic craftspeople as well as experts in prehistoric technologies while touring one of eastern North America’s most important early colonial sites.

This year’s conference will be held from October 18-20, 2018.  Activities will include a day of paper sessions and a day of hands-on activities on the Williamsburg grounds.  This year's REARC meetings will be integrated into Colonial Williamsburg's facilities and programs, providing attendees with a unique conference experience.

Publication is offered through the EXARC Journal (online at, but edited). If enough papers get published, these will be collected in a separate online volume.

Saturday will see REARC craftspeople working at various locations throughout the Colonial Williamsburg site. We also seek expressions of interest from craftspeople interested in offering educational sessions as a part of this program.

Reconstructive and experimental archaeologists strive to expand our archaeological understanding of the past by attempting to recreate material culture, technology, or life-ways by using the same materials, techniques, and strategies believed to have been employed in the past through structured experimentation. REARC promotes and stimulates interest in reconstructive and experimental archaeology; serving as a bridging organization between open-air museums, academics, primitive technologists, related groups, and individuals involved in the field. By supporting and facilitating an active and open exchange of information between related groups; REARC serves as a bond among those interested in this and related subjects. We encourage publication through the EXARC Journal to aid in the conservation and development of related data; and to encourage high standards, development and support for the scientific application of reconstructive and experimental archaeological research.

Call for Papers

We are excited to have Bill Schindler (Director of the Eastern Shore Food Lab, Associate Professor, Washington College) as this year’s keynote speaker. In addition to Friday’s conference proceedings, Saturday’s events will involve experts from around the world demoing alongside Colonial Williamsburg craftspeople. REARC prides itself with providing academics, students, tradespeople, and professionals with an open and constructive context for delivering their research, experience and expertise with their peers. We hope you’ll consider participating and look forward to seeing you in Virginia this fall!  

Friday’s conference presentations will take place at:
Colonial Williamsburg’s Bruton Heights School, Lane Auditorium
located at 301 1st Street, City of Williamsburg, Virginia 23185. 
For details see:

Please email your abstract (150 words max.) to Neil Peterson

The deadline for abstracts is September 1st.


More information on the conference website: