experimental archaeology

Keynote Closing Address for EAC12: The Worldwide State of Experimental Archaeology and the Agenda for the Future

Linda Hurcombe (UK) and
Peter Inker (US)

Linda Hurcombe and Peter Inker gave the closing talk at EAC12 amazing conference. They did it in the same way as at the conference: Peter was online in the United States and Linda was online in the United Kingdom. The conversations between the two of them have been running throughout the live conference. They have both talked about the need to do things differently in...

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2020

Stefanie Ulrich (UK)
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***The 19th issue of the periodical includes 19 essays over 231 pages which present the contributions of the EXAR conference held in 2019. The annual report (Jahresbericht, p.225) and the instructions for authors (Autorenrichtlinien, p.229) of Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa can be found at the end...

Conference Review: The Norwegian Forum for Experimental Archaeology 2020

Susan Melleby (NO)
The Norwegian Forum of Experimental Archaeology (NFEA) 2020 was held between the 18-20th of September at Midgard Viking Centre in Horten, Vestfold and Telemark County in Norway. Midgard Viking centre, one of the museums falling under Vestfoldmuseene, has a strong emphasis on living history and collaboration with volunteer groups, using living history as a tool to create an immersive experience...

Blending the Material and the Digital: A Project at the Intersection of Museum Interpretation, Academic Research, and Experimental Archaeology

C. Jeffra,
J. Hilditch,
J. Waagen,
T. Lanjouw,
M. Stoffer,
L. de Gelder and
M. J. Kim (NL)
The power of digital technologies to communicate archaeological information in a museum context has recently been critically evaluated (Paardekooper, 2019). A recent collaboration between members of the Tracing the Potter’s Wheel project, the 4D Research Lab, and the Allard Pierson Museum and Knowledge Institute illustrates the way that such...

Experimental Archaeology in the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia

Antoni Palomo (ES)
11th EAC Trento 2019
***The Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya (MAC) was created under the Museums of Catalonia Act in 1990 by the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia. Its foundation dates back to 1932. The museum carries out various activities related to Experimental Archaeology projects in the fields of both education and research...

Conference Review: Experiencing Experimental Archaeology, May 2020

Katharina Singer (DE)
The conference “Experiencing Experimental Archaeology / Experimentelle Archäologie Erleben” took place between May 9th - 10th 2020 at the Lauresham Laboratory for Experimental Archaeology, part of the UNESCO World Heritage Lorsch Abbey site, Germany. In previous years the event was held on site through lectures, information booths and presentations, providing the visitors with information about...